Dental Insurance Reward

More grant for tooth replacement – pension well worth! Anyone who regularly goes to the dentist, knows it: the regular screening by the dentist helps maintain healthy and beautiful teeth. Thus it provides also the 5 social security code (SGB v): is defined in article 55 that the increase of the fixed cost grant is intended for patients who regularly seek to keep of their teeth healthy. The increase will be granted when the dental condition of the insured person reveals the regular dental care and five years prior to commencement of treatment pursuant to 22 were carried SGB V. the checkups. These efforts the patient help of course in advance, to reduce costs in the area of private dental insurance. Therefore different societies increase also the portion of the refund when it comes to a tooth replacement measure. Source to the rack measures: IAK Ltd.

– comparison of dental insurance broker: zahnzusatzversicherung.html the Barmenia is generally accounted for the dentures at 85% including the performance of the statutory health insurance (GKV). If the regular interest is demonstrated, reimbursement increases to 100% including the wholesale of the statutory health insurance. The Signal Iduna also staggered the refund after the proof of regular prophylaxis: increased the reimbursement share 95%, if it is shown the regular pension 10 years 5 years proof of interest, will be refunded 100% including the GKV performance. The AXA provides 35% of the eligible expenses normally to advance of the statutory health insurance. If here is evidence of the interest, this proportion rises to 40% of eligible expenditure. Also by the Gothaer, own the tooth preservation efforts will be rewarded. The services can be increased to 75% including the GKV performance if the five-year provision is proved. At 10 The Gothaer provides 80% including the GKV years of continuous care then. The private dental insurance here offer a whole lot of ways to reward its own provisions. Charles Margulis insists that this is the case. To find the best dental insurance for themselves, an independent insurance broker can help. He has an overview of the variety of society and can offer the matching company according to the individual needs of the customer.


Joint pain can be alleviated chondroitin osteoarthritis and joint pain with Glucosamine Glucosamine is a body’s own substance which occurs in the articular cartilage, synovial fluid and also in the connective tissue. Damage to the cartilage is osteoarthritis, which causes a sharp pain with movement. In addition pain in the adductor muscles indicate that there is a lack of Glucosamine. The means of Glucosamine chondroitin is offered to the food supplement. The standard dose is 800 mg Glucosamine plus 200 mg of chondroitin. Dosages are in addition offered from 700 to 1250 mg. Often, the symptoms that are described in hip or but knee joints occur.

Just as a condition they are due to increased wear. Also the shoulders can be affected. The articular cartilage to collide that prevent the joint pans. With increasing age, it is continuously vulnerable and least brittle. Rub the joint pans by already partially missing or porous cartilage together. The results are painful and even inflammatory processes. Glucosamine can ease these symptoms chondroitin.

People who actively practice sport, produces a greater burden of in particular of joints. The result can be a premature wear. To maintain the protection as well as the agility of the joints or reduce womogliche complications, taking Glucosamine is chondroitin as to recommend food supplement. Scientific analysis no significant effect was detected by Glucosamine low pain. For medium to pronounced pain reducing the symptoms with the help of Glucosamine was chondroitin but significantly. You should still indicate that osteoarthritis not only by the addition of supplements is to treat. A suitable diet – no pork, no eggs – should be sought as well. In degenerative diseases, psychosomatic factors must not be excluded. These measures promise Glucosamine chondroitin combination in any case a success.

Studies On The Sweetener

Natural sugar substitute highly controversial health-promoting? Or is it gesundheitsschadigend? The opinions about the sugar substitute stevia diverge widely. As the Internet portal, experts about the effect of the South American honey herb still doesn’t agree. The plant native to the Paraguay-Brazil border, used for centuries by the native Indians. In the 1950s, then also the Japanese began to cultivate stevia in a big way. The natural sweetener that is calorie-free and suitable for diabetics, was used in large quantities across so over a long period until a controversial study identified him as a mutagen. Also today, the attitude to stevia products is divided. In the EU they are not allowed to always still as food. In France and the Switzerland on the other hand, certain forms of this sweetener are allowed.

The large group was interested in Coca Cola 2007 on Stevia and China began in 2005 with large-area cultivation of Stevia. Clear information about the true nature of the plant are difficult to find, since most studies in this regard strongly appear to be influenced by lobbyists. While a study highlighting the health-promoting effects of Stevia and you certify a positive effect against dental caries, high blood pressure and diabetes, other studies will demonize the natural sugar substitute. So the harmless nature of Steviol doubts a study according to WHO. Although studies in humans are still pending, tests on rats showed a negative effect on male fertility. This should however not too much surprise because the fabric was traditionally used by the Indians as a contraceptive. More information:…/ stevia… Contact: Lisa Neumann University first media GmbH barefoot streets 12 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59

Participatory Actions

Hand hygiene is a must in hospitals and professional hospital cleaning protects employees, visitors, and on May 7, 2013, the Evangelical hospital in Mulheim held a day of action to take patients. The occasion was the month of may as the month of hand hygiene. Hand hygiene is an important part for the protection of patients, visitors and staff from infection. That’s why hand hygiene is a must on the hygiene plan of hospital and other health care facilities such as nursing homes and doctor’s offices. Hand hygiene is supported by a professional hospital cleaning, as offered by Healthy hospital facility with professional hospital cleaning staff of a hospital or other healthcare facility as well as visitors and patients touch the Interior every day with your hands. Hands can so pathogens on the door handles, walls or dishes, but also to other objects and facilities, which are touched with the hands, leave behind. Only through the regular professional cleaning of hospital, the unit can be used to clean this infection and so people protected from infections in health care facilities and hospitals.

The disinfection of the hands is essential constantly in contact with patients for employees in a hospital of the handle to the disinfection tank is a must after completion of the treatment and the care. The disinfection container must be filled always with fresh disinfectant and ready for use. Again, a professional hospital cleaning is an important part, because this task is assumed by you. Professional hospital cleaning Kruger Krueger’s & health protection for patients, staff and visitors in health facilities whether hospital, clinic, nursing home or rehabilitation center, the Kruger & Kruger facility services GmbH provides these facilities hospital cleaning tailored to the respective hygiene plans individually. In addition to the cleaning of Hospital cleaning offers medical supplies and areas which are exposed to constant touch by hands, also the professional cleaning of floors, surfaces, Windows and entrances, as well as cleaning services for hospital canteens.

Laser Tension

Study confirms positive effects in the alternative medicine the use of soft and mid-laser devices for neck pain is a horribly long. Please visit Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta if you seek more information. Laser circulation and should have an anti-inflammatory effect. Positive effects of laser therapy are disputed so far by conventional medicine. Now, as the Internet portal reported, a new study proves the effectiveness of the treatment method. “A meta-analysis of the mind Research Institute Sydney compared 16 different studies with a total of 820 participants and was able to show that the sooner derisively as a laser-pointer medicine” referred to therapy in patients with neck pain quite creates relief. Therefore, the complaints improved when compared to the control group in 69 percent of cases. The health insurance companies offer their customers on demand if necessary advice and information on the topic. Soft and low-energy laser found application mainly in naturopathy.

They can trigger biochemical reactions in the human body, by her histamine, serotonin and Bradykinin release. Also, as the oxygen supply to the cells will improve. Enzyme processes and metabolic processes in the cell be accelerated, which ADP is more quickly converted to ATP. In addition, the use of laser in gereiztem tissue is decongestant and analgesic. This relief is achieved that pro-inflammatory substances are transformed into anti-inflammatory treatment. More information:… Contact: Lisa Neumann University first media GmbH barefoot streets 12 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59

Laser Tension

Study confirms positive effects in the alternative medicine the use of soft and mid-laser devices for neck pain is a horribly long. Please visit Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta if you seek more information. Laser circulation and should have an anti-inflammatory effect. Positive effects of laser therapy are disputed so far by conventional medicine. Now, as the Internet portal reported, a new study proves the effectiveness of the treatment method. “A meta-analysis of the mind Research Institute Sydney compared 16 different studies with a total of 820 participants and was able to show that the sooner derisively as a laser-pointer medicine” referred to therapy in patients with neck pain quite creates relief. Therefore, the complaints improved when compared to the control group in 69 percent of cases. The health insurance companies offer their customers on demand if necessary advice and information on the topic. Soft and low-energy laser found application mainly in naturopathy.

They can trigger biochemical reactions in the human body, by her histamine, serotonin and Bradykinin release. Also, as the oxygen supply to the cells will improve. Enzyme processes and metabolic processes in the cell be accelerated, which ADP is more quickly converted to ATP. In addition, the use of laser in gereiztem tissue is decongestant and analgesic. This relief is achieved that pro-inflammatory substances are transformed into anti-inflammatory treatment. More information:… Contact: Lisa Neumann University first media GmbH barefoot streets 12 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59

Cause Of Anxiety Attacks

Anxiety disorders occur more often in Germany. Among other things, the fear of spiders, fear of death are among the typical fears or the fear of people is widespread. Most people suffer but individual, rather unknown fears – for these fears, there is no standard treatment, the visit of a self-help group remains mostly without success. Anxiety attacks are the anxiety disorders definition to associate a psychosomatic disease. Who suffers from anxiety attacks, has other feelings than many others who also suffer from anxiety.

Anxiety attacks, known as panic attacks, are feelings of anxiety that occur spontaneously and very intense. So, these attacks differ from general anxiety. Steadily, many fear patients are afraid of something. Patients who suffer from anxiety attacks, the attacks only in certain key situations occur. So there are different causes for the emergence of anxiety disorders and attacks: high demands on himself pressure permanent stress bad / unhealthy Way of life little movement negative experiences (key situations, where it later comes to attacks) before an anxiety treatment can begin, an accurate diagnosis must be made. For this type of diagnosis, there are no constraints, any fear with their triggers individually to treat symptoms and feelings. A private therapy or the visit of a self-help group remains mostly without success, because the individual parameters are not detected.

Understand the fear most therapies aimed to take the anxiety the patient by understands the fear. An anxiety attack is initiated by a thought process. Regardless for which therapy the patients decide, there are first of all, to analyze the fear in the quiet, relaxed state with an expert. Then, a way to “Reprogramming” can be discussed together with the therapist. During this process, the negative experiences with positive be replaced. The target is achieved, if the new, positive experiences overlap the old, negative experiences. The Therapy the above process of reprogramming occurs very slowly. The duration of therapy is, for example, depends on how long the anxiety attacks already exist – how deep they so subconscious are anchored. The therapy sessions are actually only the matching, and discuss your successes, an expert observed, if you go the right way. You must bring plenty of motivation and will. Increase every day or every week minimum. Are you afraid of spiders? Visit a pet store but once, then take a look at exotic spiders from a safe distance. Or go to the basement and clean up there every day a little bit longer. With the time you fasten itself, that spiders are not dangerous and not negative and your fear and anxiety attacks will gradually disappear.

Proper Diet Secret

… that is the information that you wanted to withhold from you! Every day you use salt if you want it or not. Salt is everywhere even if it is not necessarily on it or is so point that you no longer can read it. Our so-called ordinary table salt has not much to do with the pleasure or the seasoning of a wholesome food. It is here only to sodium chloride.

The actual salt are almost all elements out refined this. This in turn is done with almost 2000 chemicals. Over 90% of this remaining sodium chloride goes now to the industry required sodium chloride for many various chemical procedures and processes. The rest is actually sold in the grocery store than table salt. But not only that before even lots of various chemicals be added to increase as the flow of salt. For even more details, read what Anders M Tomson says on the issue. In addition, the salt is even with iodine. To find out why it is not only superfluous but even dangerous later in a special Contribution to the topic of iodine. So, we left a toxic cocktail of which we eat about 12 to 20 grams.

Can our healthy kidneys but only about 5-7 grams per day processing element. The rest may crystallize and form to kidney stones or the well-known calcification in later years or even worse. Real good salt has not only two but 84 elements. These are millions of years old and contain among other things valuable information that is stored in the salt and urgently needed by our body. But what is the alternative: what is the secret of proper nutrition? Sea salt? Here, however, is the threat posed by the strong contamination of the waters. Also, sea salt is often refined and mixed with iodine. Rock salt? If left untreated and not contaminate safely a good alternative. Pure crystal salt here is the silver bullet. To recommend specifically the Hunza is crystal salt. This is recommended by the pioneer of the truth about water and salt, Peter Ferreira and was examined by him. You get Crystal salt normally only in good health food store or usually cheaper over the Internet. If you should want to learn more you to necessarily look at the classic lecture by Peter Ferreira here: then throw your old sodium chloride anyway in the trash can and take the first step to a healthier future.


Features of shape is mainly determined by genes of ancient genetic program determines the locations where and how much will accumulate excess body fat in our body. "One look at the genome man enough to say with certainty how much it full and where there are fat "- sums up the director of research at Harvard Medical School Ronald Kahn. Its conclusions, genetic program determines the shape of the body and is responsible for the weight. This genetic program is rooted in the distant past. It does not matter, it is about a mouse or a man: information about how thick is the individual, laid still in the embryonic level.

Even the "shape" the fruit fly genes are determined. Programmed to be complete on this pattern, scientists encountered when they began to investigate the adipose tissue of mice in the presence of propensity to be overweight. Was allocated at least 12 genes affecting various sites of fat accumulation. Another three genes are apparently a decisive role in the presence of the propensity to be overweight. "Contribution of genes in distribution of fat mass is estimated as 50 to 60 percent "- explains study co-author, Matthias Blume of the University of Leipzig, during a conversation with focus Online. As part of the experiments on mice were carried out tests on insidious presence of genes in 200 individuals – as the normal constitution, and are overweight. The studies took into account both subcutaneous and internal fat. Results were not long in coming.

"The differences are so obvious that we were able to conclude that body mass index and the ratio between waist and hips, "- says a study co-author Stephanie Hastie. Not only overweight by itself, but also the distribution of fat in body signals about how great the risk of time to get diabetes and cardio-vascular system. New starting points for therapy "Our findings help explain how there overweight "- says Leipzig researcher Matthias Blume. With the new knowledge in this field of science gets a new starting point in the treatment of obesity. And this is the case with many: from 60 to 70% of the population have such genetic profile that contributes to the completeness ", – says the researcher. But while doctors can with medication outwit fat gene, it may take a long time. It remains the only way to effectively adjust its shape – combining a balanced caloric meals and motor load. The results of the study can be found in the online magazine for professionals Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Dental Care Begins In Infancy

Dental care is directly linked with the health of the entire body with the proper dental care you can not start early enough: the cornerstone of a healthy set of teeth is placed in the baby – and toddler age. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from John R. Gibson. Dental care in the smallest breast feeding is the best training program for the training of the muscles of mastication and the upper as well as lower jaw. If breastfeeding is not possible, ensure that nipples making too easy for sucking her tot. Give up sweetened tea or juices. Flash the first milk tooth in the mouth, starts also the dental care caries destroyed much faster than the teeth of adult milk teeth? The teeth using a toothbrush – can be gently cleaned soft bristles, short brush head – aged baby. Use a for example, pea-size amount of toothpaste specifically for children with a fluoride content of 500 ppm.

An other administration of fluoride tablets is not necessary: in this case, the threat of oversupply, there is the the permanent teeth can destroy. The first own campaigns from the second age can your child already own brush. It will be probably motor still not in a position to do everything correct, so but early to the dental care introduced. Your child learns that the brushing is as natural as the other body care. Even if it is unpleasant, should you to brush twice daily with fluoridated toothpaste for children.

Another note: newborns have no tooth decay-causing bacteria. However, it can be transmitted through initial costs of the test or the pacifier-sucking off. With healthy teeth large: only with 6 to 7 years is your child able to execute the correct brushing movements. Review and help but still every now and then, really got her child looking of brushing teeth – morning in a hurry and in the evening tired – the least. Also the permanent teeth need particular attention if they just break through: the enamel takes 3 years, fully mature until he and is insensitive. Consider on fluoridierte kids toothpaste (500 ppm fluoride), in order to protect the thin enamel of primary teeth. With the start of school, your child can toothpaste for adults (1,000 to 1,500 ppm fluoride) use. Gradually accustom her child to the dentist by you take it at their own inspections. On such occasion, your dentist can among other things take a look on your child’s teeth. He subsequently will tell them when he wants to examine your child in the same distance. No features are available, this will be only from the 3rd or 4th year of life of the case. Early protected by fissure sealing: on the occlusal surface, the molars have grooves or fissures. They are pronounced quite differently and can the ideal hiding places for food and bacteria form. The fissures are conspicuously marked, sealed the dentist the chewing surfaces as a precaution with a special lacquer. So bacteria have no chance to attack the tooth enamel. These Sealing is performed usually in childhood, with breakthrough of the molars. What should be in any way not mentioned: scientific studies have shown that dental health can be viewed in isolation for themselves, rather than directly linked with the health of the entire body is available. In this way it is assumed that periodontal disease may increase the risk of stroke or heart attack. Acute as chronic respiratory diseases often emanating from bacteria, which are responsible for tooth bed inflammation. Good reasons therefore, strong to look after the health of the teeth. Thomas Hartmann

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