Ambient Engineering

The results of evaluation of the observed parameters of quality in literature evidence it estresse that it thermal, chronic or acute suffered for cut chickens they generate negative consequncias on the functional properties of the meat (BROSSI, et al 2009). Finally, the birds develop severe hipertermia, characterized for increase of pH sanguineous, indicating presence of respiratory and metabolic alkalosis (HOCKING et al., 1994; SANDERCOCK et al., 2001, Apud BROSSI, et al, 2009). In this direction, the acute hipertermia and the respiratory alkalosis in chickens are considered .causing of deleterious effect for the efficient production of chicken meat and for a satisfactory industrial income (HOWLINDER & ROSE, 1989 Apud BROSSI, et al 2009). Bibliographical references ABREU; V.M.N., ABREU, P.G of. Bioclimtico diagnosis for the Production of Birds in the State of Gois. Concord, Embrapa Swines and Birds, 10p. (Embrapa Swines and Birds. Official notice Technician, 322).

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