The perfectioning of the mamografia, the use of the surgery, conservatives and the progressos reached for the molecular genetics can be pointed as some reached significant advances. However this article approaches the complications, educations in health, cares of nursing, disgnostic and given lapsings, the patients in postoperative and the psychological one of the surgery of the breast cancer. Therefore it has been of basic importance to the elaboration of the plan of cares, the lapsings and the disgnostic of nursing. A time that these are essential for the recovery of the patient, for this makes if necessary that the nursing is operating promoting educative actions between the nursing team, making with that the same ones put in practical the cares indicated for the recovery of the same ones. They constitute if as objective main of this study the description of the cares of nursing, detailing the beginning of the cancer of the breast, the definition, the causes, complications, the education in health as the elaboration of the plan of cares of nursing. Therefore it is since the nursing teams place in practical the educative actions, in what it says respect to the cares of nursing is basic that all are involved in the promotion of the recovery of the patients, leading in consideration who the nurse can act as educator, contributing for the health of the same ones..