Quiet Vacation

Traditional customs at Christmas time the time just before Christmas is associated with hectic and stress for many people. Although it really should be a time of contemplation and rest, some in the rush of gift buying and professional stress sink. The travel portal travel24.com recommends a trip to Alsace, where with the tag on November 25 the Christmas season has already begun of St. Catherine to relax. Who want to escape the stress of the holiday season for a few days, should specifically plan a holiday in France in Alsace. Here, Christmas is celebrated very traditionally. Visitors can learn about the traditions of the region and enjoy the festive season to the fullest. In any case, the Ecomusee d’ Alsace, France’s largest open-air museum, a visit is worth.

A nearly complete village from earlier centuries can be seen in this area. Total 73 typical half-timbered houses are located in the Museum near the town of Colmar. They form a wonderful backdrop for lush Christmas decoration. Once the village was founded, old houses from demolition to preserve and maintain them for posterity. Today include a pottery, a distillery, and an old school open to visitors. Children, young people and adults represent the population of at that time in traditional dress and entertain tourists with old stories and episodes.

The main characters of Alsatian Christmas are the Mannala and the Bredele, who may enjoy good children in the advent season. It is gingerbread men and cookies that taste best hot chocolate.