makes the apartment safe 1.7 million children come every year from accidents in the household for damage. Although there are courses that prepare young parents on the birth of their child but not on an infant that is curious, krabbelndes, comprehensive at all, verschluckendes all. Most of the apartments are accordingly uncertain, so countless accidents that could have been avoided with simple handles. In an interview with the news portal is the Leipzig childminder important advice like parents their living space for children can make safe. Twice, when caustic detergents such as oven cleaner or similar, one should consider whether they ever are needed. If Yes, then the bottles should have a closure with parental controls and be stowed as far up in a closed cabinet.
Definitely not fluids in other bottles may be, filled to especially in former water bottles. With the same principle can be with sharp utensils such as knives and similar be applied. Also this should be always closed in drawers and kept locked. For sockets there are obtaining parental controls and also all power cables should check young parents on damaged areas. Objects or furniture that may fall the curious children on the head, if they attack then are particularly dangerous. Therefore, always a special grid should attach the stove so no more pot can be torn down. Furniture is to screw with the walls. However, even with careful supervision and kindersicherer apartment smaller accidents cannot be avoided. This case can be made for with a first aid kit in the apartment of course out of reach of children’s hands. More information:../damit-kleine-wildfaenge-keinen-unfall-bauen.html contact: Tilo summer Unister Media barefoot Gasschen 11 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59