Dermatology is the branch of medical science that studies the body's largest organ "skin", its components, functions and reactions of the goods to various pathologies that arise daily. Dermatologists are the people responsible for development, research, advancement and skin treatments. These are medical professionals specializing in the design and complexity of human dermatological system problems. Dermatology is divided into several branches such as: cosmetics and dermatology clinic. Each one in their field are responsible for preventing, treating, relieve and restore the good condition of the dermis with which we are born due to the constant damage that is suffered daily, caused by factors such as pollution, UV rays, poor nutrition and even hereditary factors that may cause damage in the course of our lives. Cosmetic Dermatology is based on the recovery treatment, correction of marks left by diseases such as acne and chicken pox. This specialty of dermatology has been developing since the mid-70s where the study and implementation of cosmetic creams with cellularly recuperative benefits began to bear fruit.
Today, cosmetic dermatology has developed to such an extent that the implementation of lasers for cell recovery and physical correction marks left by the diseases suffered, he makes time to never have expected. Also appearing on the cosmetic market of medicinal ointment for the treatment type of problems so common now, as are the spots left by the sun and cellulite problems, give the cosmetic dermatology field increasing both the market cosmetics and in medical practice. The breakthrough in cosmetic dermatology was when he began the study of the laser, being different reactions at the cellular level. This resulted in the modification and amoldacion thereof to all skin types, this development is perhaps the greatest step that could give Dermatology cosmetics, since the treatments are noninvasive, do not need recovery time and the results are given shorter term. The dermatology clinic is in turn responsible for the treatments to a pathological level, that is to say, handles serious diseases like skin cancer, alopecia, dermatitis and viral warts, among others. The dermatology clinic is based study of severe illness usually caused by hereditary factors, their major difference lies in cosmetic dermatology treatments. Because the treatment of clinical dermatology at the majority of cases are invasive and processed for routine medications, are not aesthetic, only healthy character. It should be noted that the development of dermatology is increasing and the implementation of cosmetic dermatology clinic is becoming more present, a great example of this is the surgical removal of living tissue of any part of the body to correct another where the affected tissue.