Training Owners

Food for dogs and their training. When we bring a puppy home have the temptation to treat him as a human being, and not we can never forget that they are animals and that we must educate them like animals, without wanting this to say no them we can love and give them large amounts of affection. If we don’t train them from puppies we can create, unintentionally, a tirana pet that will become the master of the House. The lunch and food are basic in the training process. On the one hand it is the routine and discipline that is imposed at lunchtime.

One of the first rules of coexistence which have been imposed upon the animal is has always eat after its owners, thus respecting the hierarchy of the home. They have to learn that human beings are the owners and they are subordinate. They have to follow a strict routine with respect to meals and no feed them when they ask for it. Only when the owners have eaten and picked up. So they’re healthy and strong you need to take quality pet food. On the other hand, the food as Award is one of the bases of training processes.

To reward dogs for good behavior there are a few special pet treats. Sweets should not give to humans, since they are harmful, even toxic to your health. It is can also reward them with small pieces of food that they like also. But never should be given food when the owners are eating, since they become accustomed, or pieces of bones, which are dangerous for them and can cause choking or damage the digestive system.

Health Dietetics Education

In Group classroom Schola, and 16 years, are dedicated to teaching courses on support in the main subjects of first, that, high school, University and entrance examinations preparation. 98% Pass in the last call for June 2009 behind this training, provided by professionals with years of experience and a learning methodology that allows hundreds of students to be fully satisfied with their learning. Almost two decades are already the Group classroom Schola to decide the formation of English, computer science, oppositions and professional development programs that completes its training range. Now and since this month of June 2010, group classroom Schola opens its new students courses for the preparation of official degrees with the same contents than those included for the obtaining of such qualification. These new courses that coincide 100% with the agenda of official qualifications are: Ciclo Formativo de grade half Pharmacy and Parapharmacy attention Sociosanitaria formative cycle of top grade tourist accommodation management Health Dietetics Education child technician health emergencies for documentation this course centre Aranda undertakes that the student perform 40 hours of practice in ambulances.

Course of repair and maintenance of computers this course consists of 6 weeks in groups of 10 students and includes both educational material as the technician and the necessary tools for their learning in a program of 2 hours per day for 5 days a week. Among other features worth highlighting: the closed price of these courses may be paid to the cash either financed in installments by the own group classroom Schola. The training period is individual and is marked by each pupil, since classes are personalized, and can lengthen until they approve of the chosen official call. Includes educational and additional equipment necessary for the delivery of each course. The schedule can be between 9: 00 and up to 21 hours for tutoring, providing great flexibility to all types of students.