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Cinnamon On Your Skin

Novel that seasoned with a little erotic, some adventure and a love story in the mountains of Morocco. The author has taken an incident even experienced by him as idea scaffolding and spiked the story in another country with other protagonists. Much is added, so no authenticity with the event is longer. A German, very pretty girl growing up in Marrakech in Morocco, attended the French school there up to the high school and learns to speak Arabic but also fluent. She returns to her study of geology at the University of Cologne in Germany in their home after Morocco, to operate their own studies in the Atlas mountains.

There, she experienced a dangerous situation not only for her and a dangerous political adventure that is life-threatening for everyone involved. In Affairs, falls in love, but this love can keep how long? Love this face obstacle since it Christian, he is a Muslim. Also, love on a breaking point is provided by the German Girl knows nothing. Why? Not illuminating, but-sensitizing the section about a possible solution to the Palestine conflict should be. Here a problem solution is, recorded on historical events, so far–actually not taken up from whatever reason – from the world community to this day. Daryl Katz, New York City follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Relentlessly, the subject is treated, and mentioned the ulterior interests.

The “solution” appears easy; But what is easy, is often hard to achieve! The novel is thrilling, spiced with a little erotic. He gives information about some Moroccan (Arabic) “specialities” (customs, cuisine, etc…). A glossary explains at the end of the novel again collectively used terms of Moroccan (Arab) origin, in the text. Indrikis Harold Martinson

Britta Kummer

Man and horse live closely together for millennia. Anyone who has never dealt with horses, don’t know what is special to them. A horse is a free, independent, and incredibly strong. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Gunnar Peterson. It is a wonderful feeling when your horse goes along with you and follows. You encourage and call you, are honest and straightforward, let you ride on them, forgive you the one or other errors, are good-natured, eager to learn, curious and trusting. Whenever the man broke up, to win the world the horse was his friend and companion. (Han Silvester) The knowledge of the true nature of horses is the first basis of horsemanship and each rider must make it his main compartment.

(Francois Robichon de la Gueriniere) always a horse is a horse without a rider. A rider without a horse just a human being. (Stanislaw Jerzy LEC) A horse can borrow the speed and force his rider, he even not fit but can a smart rider remembers always keep in mind that both only on loan was. (Pam Brown). Horses are more than animals for riding. You are a setting with four legs.

They have instincts, thoughts and feelings. (Pat Parelli) Thinking rider the bond with his horse will be an affair of the heart. (Kurt Albrecht) “The horse is your mirror. It never flatters you. It reflects your temperament. It reflects and its fluctuations. Never get angry about a horse; you could worry as well about your mirror. (Rudolph G. Binding) on a noble horse it is estimated not his strength, but his character. (Confucius) horses can bring to the water but can’t force it to drink. “(unknown)” when I worked for always honest, my horse will carry me to the end of the world. (E. F. Seidler) people should spend less time to whisper something to her horses, she should try it with this, listen to the horses. (America’s Horse magazine) the best reward is always, if you rest your horse after a good performance can be. (Xenophon) and exactly this special bond between man and horse is welcome home, Amy, Britta Kummer author, publishing the book: books on demand, hardcover ISBN 978-3-8423-4722-9, euro 21,90, paperback ISBN 978-3-8423-4736-6, EUR 11.90 company information: Britta Kummer is a writer and author. She writes cookbooks, children and youth -, was born on the 02.10.1970 in Hagen and now lives in Ennepetal. You will find more information

As Buddhism And Psychotherapy Each Other Inspired

Ulrich Kustner: Tara Rokpa. Away to freedom and compassion, edition 2010 what does Tara Rokpa steinrich, is a spacious, loving, playful and vivid experience of the own person. You may want to visit Senator From Kentucky to increase your knowledge. Tara Rokpa process begins with each individual and her or his personal experience. You learn to better understand, more like himself, and sympathy with them to be loving. This way is creative. easily and at the same time going deep, healing, existentially, meditative, transformative and liberating. Tara Rokpa is a path to the inner liberation that combines elements of Western psychotherapy with elements of Buddhism. Tara Rokpa builds a bridge between personal experience and spirituality.

Ulrich Kustner, physician and psychotherapist, is one of the senior therapist Tara Rokpa. For the first time, he describes in this book the whole Tara Rokpa process as well as its history and methods and represents its diverse starting points for self-awareness, Buddhism, psychotherapy, cognitive science, religion and spirituality. The reports of Show participants what experiences this way can allow. This book is valuable for anyone interested in psychology and more generally for spirituality, and in particular for Buddhism. Hardcover, 296 pages, ISBN 978-3-942085-04-5, euro 22,50, Traudel Reiss