TWiT Network

They topped the list of most popular on Twitter politicians in July. Within that more dialogue, experts maintain that Esperanza Aguirre is as the most watched, with 36,000 readers. Many politicians are leaving their profiles after the elections. The Socialist candidate for the Presidency of the Government, Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba (@conRubalcaba), the Coordinator of the electoral campaign of the PSOE, Elena Valenciano (@ElenValenciano), and the President of the community of Madrid, Esperanza Aguirre (@EsperanzAguirre), topped the list of most popular on Twitter politicians during the month of July. This emerges from a study of the web, the 30 tuiteros, which demonstrates that neither summer nor heat away these politicians from public life, even by Internet.

Politicians who constitute an exceptional case if you have in mind that, according to the study political 2.0: after the election of the company’s advertising agency 101, more than half of the leaders reduced their activity in the social networks after past elections. As an example, the study quotes the leader of the Socialists Madrid, Tomas Gomez, who left to die his Twitter after the defeat before Aguirre, and the former President of Castile – La Mancha, Spain Jose Maria Barreda, who seems to have stayed silent after losing the election compared with Maria Dolores de Cospedal (PP). This Agency’s report also suggests that 70% of the politicians not maintained fluid communications with citizens, since there is no answer to your messages, something that does not makes them very dear in the network. Therefore, the popularity in the Twitter network is not measured only by the number of followers or fans, but also for interaction with the users or the number of messages that have been shared or retuiteados, as explained by Antonio Davila, founder of the project 30 tuiteros. According to Davila, the ranking allows you to discriminate against opportunistic politicians from those who really believe in democracy 2.0, in which the citizen dialogues with the candidate 24 hours 365 days a year, and not only view once every four years when it is summoned to the polls. Within which more dialogue, experts maintain that Esperanza Aguirre as the most watched, with 36,000 readers, followed by the former State of equality Bibiana Aido, and the spokesman of the PP in the Congress, Soraya Saenz de Santamaria, is with more than 11,000 each. However, according to the report by agency 101, there are other politicians who have failed to connect with the citizens on the network in the same way and, for example, once past the elections of 22 may have neglected their social networks.

Between the dumb politicians in the network, the study emphasizes the Minister of health, Social policy and equality, Leire Pajin, who despite having been trending topic on Twitter, or subject of great interest in this network, as a result of his photographs in swimsuit, has not never published a TWiT. The latest political developments, among which stand out the electoral advancement or the 15-M movement, have influenced the Twitter ranking, so those politicians who have been able to connect with that discontent have risen dramatically, maintains Davila. Thus, scholars explain that despite having lost the position after the last elections, the Secretary general of the PSOE in Extremadura, Guillermo Fernandez Vara, maintains a great activity on the network from which makes opposition controlling what makes who governs. Both studies suggests that, although sometimes use only in election campaigns, networks are a few basic tools of politicians to go to citizens. Source of the news: Rubalcaba, Elena Valenciano and Esperanza Aguirre, the most active politicians on Twitter

Bolivian Police Dissolves

They used tear gas against the demonstrators. Several leaders were arrested. The President, Evo Morales, has promised a rrendum about the work. The Bolivian police disbanded this Sunday with tear-gas the March of indigenous protesters in the Amazon against the construction of a road and stopped at several of its leaders, reported private media and the State. Agents attacked the camp where more than one thousand of Indians, near the Amazon town of Yucumo, were a day once a group of native women retained for more than one hour to the Foreign Minister, David Choquehuanca. According to a State channel, Indians were forced by police onto buses that went to a nearby village. The media point out that agents reacted that way once asked for several indigenous armed with arrows that they back the place that blocked for several days to halt the advance of the demonstrators, who today met 41 days.

Dialogue intervention police occurred hours after the Bolivian President, Evo Morales, to announce a rrendum in the departments of Cochabamba and Beni on the construction of the road linking those regions, and after inviting indigenous leaders to engage in dialogue in La Paz. According to radio Erbol, one of the detainees is the President of the territory Indigena Parque Nacional Isiboro Secure (Tipnis), Fernando Vargas, who Sunday announced the decision to Ethne Amazonian continue the March, although one time to lower the tension in the area. Indians are oponena road, funded by Brazil, is built by the Middle tipnis alleging that the nature reserve will be depredada and invaded by producers of coca, the plant used to make cocaine. Source of the news: the Bolivian police dissolves the indigenous March against a highway in the Amazon

Against Alzheimers Disease

Andrea Gillies narrates the five who has dedicated to taking care of in-laws, alzheimer patients in poppies of oblivion. Ensures that resources are needed and not only economic. There comes a time in family living with Alzheimer’s is impossible. 24 million people suffer worldwide dementia largely alzheimer. Andrea Gillies confesses that his life has not returned to be the same, she nor it is, that the experience of caring for her sick alzheimer’s mother-in-law has been devastating and that, although it may seem hard put it, would not do. And it is to care for a person with dementia is not enough love, says.

Not only economic resources are needed. And learn techniques to deal with the situation. Families need, first and foremost, information for living with a disease that is very hard, adds Andrea Gillies. So clara shown Gillies when talking about what has been lived just five years when, for love, he decided to leave his profession – until then worked as a journalist freelance – to care for their in-laws. A history of suffering for all of her, her husband and their three children decided to leave home and lives to move to a beautiful place of the Scottish coast and overturned in the care of parents. Morris was very ill and bedridden in a wheelchair, although with the lucid head, and the brains of Nancy already showed early symptoms of Alzheimer’s. And what trusted would be a win-win, although difficult experience, he finished in a history of deep, relentless and irretrievable suffering that lasted two years and that has left a bitter memory in its protagonists, especially in Andrea, who a released time and making use of his Office, decided to have it written. Poppies of oblivion (topics of today) is the result. A book that has already been best sellers in the United Kingdom, where public television, the BBC, wheel currently a series based on the lived experience by Andrea Gillies and his family.