Silence and distortion of the subject is so, that many visitors are free astonished when they see with his own eyes a computer fed by solar paddle for a single boy in an intrincate small school, or a university mountain faculty with Internet, things that would not have sense in the lucrative mind of any supplier of services, for those who connection and money are synonymous. the reality has imposed the priorities, the blockade has forced the limitations, and to even commercialize the service in hotel facilities or cibercafs, something that also certain visitors with astonishment watch. And it is that to many, outside Cuba and also inside, it costs to them to understand that the access to Internet in the Island does not respond to the payment landlords and takes that they prevail anywhere in the world, because like in so many other things, in the conditions of an underdeveloped and blocked country, bet once again, to give to who can more contribute him to the others, to become it a social network of networks. the one hundred percent of the training centers of the country uses the TIC like support a the programs of classes, next to televisions and videos, which benefits to two million 230 658 students and the 12 784 existing schools. All the houses of study of the country use computers in the educational-educative process, including 2 368 rural schools with photovoltaic solar paddles, between these 93 who have like matriculation a single student. At the same time, it increases the number of people with access to Internet, and the users of 000 the electronic mail about 900, for which public rooms exist that offer those services. Only through the network of the health, INFOMED, accede personally near 30 000 professionals, paramedical doctors and. In that same sector at the moment one expands the computerization and connection in network of doctor’s offices of the doctor and the nurse of the family, fundamental nucleus of the primary attention of health to the population.