Preparations for emigration to Canada – the process is really complicated, but when done right is quite real. The main difficulty lies in the fact that to find answers to many small questions that arise during training. Indicate whether the part-time job, how to calculate the equivalent work experience, indicate that the missing information, what if there is no employment records – it only matters faced by almost every applicant. Besides them there are dozens of smaller issues to which answers simply does not provide any instructions. With all this we have to understand yourself. In parallel, filled with useful information, our immigration website. Canada – a country with high living standards, but in my U.S. opinion is much better: more features, easier to get.
However, many deliberately go exactly to Canada. What are the benefits to Canada as a country of immigration? The allegation that the U.S. is better Canada very controversial. There are dozens of examples of it in favor of Canada. Well, for example, is incomparably higher level of personal security and public health insurance. In addition, Canada's position in the world of radically differs from that of the U.S. – enough to any major airport in the world to pay attention to people, showing the flag with the maple leaf on clothing, bags, caps and badges. Despite the fact that the U.S. population is almost 10 times greater than population of Canada, the American flag can be seen much less frequently. In the U.S., you can even buy a set of travel with the necessary attributes and detailed instructions on how to look like a typical Canadian.