
I broke down and shouted at him: 'This is because now your metabolism is virtually zero, so you have all of the hands and falls, night your neck! " Of course, I understand that for many morning – the only time they can dedicate to training, however, highly recommend to try to come to the hall after at least three full meals. Did you go on a long trip by car with an empty gas tank? Of course not, if you do not want to push the car to the nearest gas station. Why do you go for a heavy workout on an empty stomach? 5. Eat only healthy foods main diet should consist of hardgainer dense food with high content beneficial nutrients. Avoid "empty" foods, which contain valuable nutrients in small amounts or absent. Ever notice how, after receiving a 500-calorie meal consisting of fat and sugar, you get some soft and slow? Prefer high-calorie meal of complex carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and fiber. Here are the best products: Carbohydrates – Oatmeal, rice, bread, beans, potatoes, fruits and vegetables. Proteins – Steak, chicken, lean beef, cottage cheese, whole milk, eggs, salmon.

Fats – olive peanut and flaxseed oil, avocados and nuts. Extras (high calorie and "deceptive" food) – ice cream, raisins and dried fruit. 6. During a workout or drink a carbohydrate-protein mixture of high-calorie beverage Prepare for your workout. Combine carbohydrate and protein powder in a ratio of 2:1 in one liter of water, and you get a few extra hundred calories a day. Now you have extra food before, after and during exercise, with which it is easy to gain extra pounds in a week. But using this method, only if you train really hard and high intensity.

7. Your motto: "Always!" From that moment on your life principle "There is always". I hear you grumble, "If I spend days just is, I do not have enough time to rest. " Do not be taken too literally this advice. No need to chew something every minute. However, the constant flow of nutrients into the body – an essential part of the process increasing weight. Do not worry, gradually you get used to this regime and your body, with an increase in weight, will require more food. Just type in his head the idea that if you do not eat, so do not grow, and if not growing, then stay at their 45 kg. Do you really need? 8. Conclusion So, as I have said, to know how to increase weight – is simple enough. But the performance of the practice – that's another story. And how you can perform all regulations, depends on how you get the body in the end. Over the next four weeks you can increase by at least 10 pounds by following these recommendations. And if you really took a firm decision get rid of his skinny past, I believe that you have to accept this challenge and begin to do things right this minute, do not delay it in the closet!