important to assume the commitment with its educative paper in relation to the abusive alcohol consumption. METHODOLOGY Is about a research with qualitative boarding, of the descriptive type, according to Rampazzo (2002), the qualitative research search to understand what it is studied, its attention more is focada in the specific one, in the individual one, wanting to understand the study and not to explain them. According to Saints (1999), the descriptive research is to describe a fact or a phenomenon. It is a survey of the known, component characteristics of the fact/phenomenon/problem. The research was carried through in Unit of Basic of Health, of the City of Fabriciano/MG Colonel, with a nurse with After-graduation in Nursing of the Work. The collection of data was carried through in the month of June of 2007, through the application of a questionnaire half-structuralized, I contend referring questions to the interventions developed for the interviewed one. It was made previous agendamento with the interviewed one, presentation of the objectives and purposes of this project of research. The collection of data was carried through in an individual room in the unit of health, in accordance with the availability of the professionals.
The collected data had been demonstrated through a case study. He was requested to the Secretary of Health of the city of Fabriciano/MG Colonel, the authorization for accomplishment of this research. The interviewed one signed the Term of Free and Clarified Assent, not having refusal in participating of this study. The ethical rights of the participants had been protected in agreement are foreseen in Resolution 196/96 of the National Advice of Health that regulates research with human beings (BRAZIL, 1996). RESULT AND QUARREL Study of case LRS, Nurse of the Work, 29 years, graduated have 2 years, have 1,6 years acting in the public health, with experience in the extracurricular period of training in clinic for treatment of chemical dependence.