Demystified Psychology

the scientific study of the optimal functioning of the human being, positive psychology should be therefore considered: a complement to the contributions of psychology as a science for help towards people. Then the benefits of these new studies and research on the experiences and positive emotions of human beings are not only able to recover our psychological balance but also to every experience be abreast of the circumstances since we have learned what our strengths and we have learned to make use of them, therefore we are not focused so much on weaknesses but we have strengthened our strengths. Positive emotions include creativity, optimism, well-being, happiness, humor, flow with day-to-day tasks, the development of strengths among others, all these experiences were forgotten, until some time ago we talked about the happiness of an unfinished mode today through investigations of positive psychology know makes us truly happy; for example, Martin Seligman has discovered that people’s knowledge that the success, a good social position, than money or find the love of our lives is not primary factor that people experience real happiness in our lives, this has been Demystified and his scientific work has concluded that the development of personal virtues and optimism are the experiences and skills that show a direct relationship with our happiness not only in grandiose moments but in every day, those who are able to develop them are happier with their lives even though they do not have money in abundance or privileged social status. On the other hand Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi, considered one of the founders of the positive psychology has also done studies of positive emotions, has been recognized for its work on the development of creativity and achieve flow in our daily tasks, so the happiness not depend on only moments grandiose as when you can buy your home, marry, you graduate in your career or the arrival of the holidays, but a more beautiful gift for our lives as it is enjoy our present and the tasks of the daywhich features must have? What should we include? They are the answers today positive psychology has managed to show more clearly.