Dental Care Begins In Infancy

Dental care is directly linked with the health of the entire body with the proper dental care you can not start early enough: the cornerstone of a healthy set of teeth is placed in the baby – and toddler age. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from John R. Gibson. Dental care in the smallest breast feeding is the best training program for the training of the muscles of mastication and the upper as well as lower jaw. If breastfeeding is not possible, ensure that nipples making too easy for sucking her tot. Give up sweetened tea or juices. Flash the first milk tooth in the mouth, starts also the dental care caries destroyed much faster than the teeth of adult milk teeth? The teeth using a toothbrush – can be gently cleaned soft bristles, short brush head – aged baby. Use a for example, pea-size amount of toothpaste specifically for children with a fluoride content of 500 ppm.

An other administration of fluoride tablets is not necessary: in this case, the threat of oversupply, there is the the permanent teeth can destroy. The first own campaigns from the second age can your child already own brush. It will be probably motor still not in a position to do everything correct, so but early to the dental care introduced. Your child learns that the brushing is as natural as the other body care. Even if it is unpleasant, should you to brush twice daily with fluoridated toothpaste for children.

Another note: newborns have no tooth decay-causing bacteria. However, it can be transmitted through initial costs of the test or the pacifier-sucking off. With healthy teeth large: only with 6 to 7 years is your child able to execute the correct brushing movements. Review and help but still every now and then, really got her child looking of brushing teeth – morning in a hurry and in the evening tired – the least. Also the permanent teeth need particular attention if they just break through: the enamel takes 3 years, fully mature until he and is insensitive. Consider on fluoridierte kids toothpaste (500 ppm fluoride), in order to protect the thin enamel of primary teeth. With the start of school, your child can toothpaste for adults (1,000 to 1,500 ppm fluoride) use. Gradually accustom her child to the dentist by you take it at their own inspections. On such occasion, your dentist can among other things take a look on your child’s teeth. He subsequently will tell them when he wants to examine your child in the same distance. No features are available, this will be only from the 3rd or 4th year of life of the case. Early protected by fissure sealing: on the occlusal surface, the molars have grooves or fissures. They are pronounced quite differently and can the ideal hiding places for food and bacteria form. The fissures are conspicuously marked, sealed the dentist the chewing surfaces as a precaution with a special lacquer. So bacteria have no chance to attack the tooth enamel. These Sealing is performed usually in childhood, with breakthrough of the molars. What should be in any way not mentioned: scientific studies have shown that dental health can be viewed in isolation for themselves, rather than directly linked with the health of the entire body is available. In this way it is assumed that periodontal disease may increase the risk of stroke or heart attack. Acute as chronic respiratory diseases often emanating from bacteria, which are responsible for tooth bed inflammation. Good reasons therefore, strong to look after the health of the teeth. Thomas Hartmann