Management Success

The Aplicateca application platform, has arranged a management solution for law firms in the cloud that this being a success in the offices of Spanish lawyers. This management software has been developed by and allows you to fully manage an Office anywhere. Sudespacho.NET is a leader in software for lawyers and has been developing applications for the sector of firms since 2003. Hundreds of lawyers have triggered a demonstration to check the advantages and new features offered by this application, and certainly the results have been very positive, starting with the concept of the cloud. The term cloud refers to applications that are hosted and are managed on a platform of servers that are physically located in a data center and meet highest security measures and are always available. There are several versions of this application which are adapted according to the type of Office, you can access the Web of Sudespacho.NET or aplicateca for further information. The benefits that brings software solution for Cloud Computer lawyers for lawyers and advisers, are very large, not only by the price which is very low but because the ease of handling makes that it can use the application from anywhere, and provide a top quality service to clients. Sudespacho.NET is a leading company in management solutions for law firms and consultants, provides software services for lawyers, software for consultants, website for offices, online, electronic invoice backup and adaptation to the regulations of data protection, being the first company launched Solutions Web software for law firms and consultants in the cloud in 2003.. .

Automation Project

When deciding on the product management of JSC "ASPEC" take into account also that the '1 C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 'apart from accounting automation of business transactions, makes it possible to plan sales and purchases, perform budgeting for and monitoring their performance, to make the analysis of the company on various parameters. Contractor of the project was selected as 'balance-Service', which has long experience in conducting large-scale corporate projects and proven in implementing solutions on a platform of '1 C: Enterprise 8 '. The first stage of the project was to pre-project survey, the results of which are: a description of the concept of the future system and Terms of Reference, which were fixed functionality of the system, the budget and project deadlines. The very introduction was divided into five phases, consistent with the objectives of automation: oil trading account transactions, accounting and tax accounting, regional sales, budgeting, printing systems in 8 regional enterprises. Phased implementation will significantly reduce the risks of the project, pre- planning and budget deadlines quickly to tangible results.

Automation Project brought together into a single information space of the parent company of JSC "ASPEC" and the eight regional companies: JSC "ASPEC-Volgograd ' Ltd. 'ASPEC-Kazan' OOO 'ASPEC-Samara', Inc. 'ASPEC-SeveroZapadNefteProdukt' OOO 'ASPEC-Smolensk', Inc. 'ASPEC-Tver', Inc. 'ASPEC-Ufa', Inc. 'ASPEC-Chelyabinsk ". A total of 77 automated jobs. In the industrial operation launched following subsystems: management of customer orders, purchasing management, inventory management, sales management, supply chain management, accounting, tax accounting, the calculation salaries, personnel management, cash management, budgeting, sales planning, procurement planning.