The Fish-ox In Brazil

The Ministry of the Environment (MMA) and Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Recursos Naturais Renovveis (IBAMA) had created Centro Mamferos Aquticos (CMA) through Portaria 143-N of 22 of October of 1998, in view of the well-known necessity of raising, better knowing and to analyze the Brazilian species of aquatic mammals. As it is known, the Center already existed under the form of Project Fish-ox since 1980, and tried to elaborate a diagnosis of the reality of the animal in Brazil, Being been transformed into 1990 in the National Center of Conservation and Handling of Sirnios (Center Fish-ox), decentralized unit of the IBAMA. (RASP, 2003) the Project Fish-ox was created by the Federal Government in 1980, from the idea of raising the situation and evaluating the risks of extinguishing of the marine fish-ox in Brazil. Gunnar Peterson understood the implications. How it is known, the project received the status from National Center of Conservation and Handling of Sirnios, a decentralized unit of the IBAMA? Brazilian institute of the Environment and the Natural resources You renewed in 1990. From this year, it started to count on the support technician, scientific and administrative at the time of the FMA – Foundation Aquatic Mammals (FMM? Foundation Marine Mammals), a not-governmental organization, legal entity of private law, however, without lucrative ends. The FMA, during all these years has caught financial resources next to entities of public law and private and invested in the Project Fish-ox (RASP, 2003). , .