The Illnesses

Water the society as a whole, and in it the educators has u basic paper, needs to be conscientious of the immediate and future problems that the pollution of the water cause and will go to cause. Moreover, she is necessary that let us worry in them about the wastefulness of the water, its improper use, that tends to reduce its availability. ‘ ‘ It considers that Brazil withholds between 12% and 15% of water candy of the planet and that about 80% of this reserve this intent one in the Amazonian basin. one will detail important: 20% remains are distributed by the remaining portion of the country, having taken care of 95% of the population. is exactly in these regions that we have the biggest problems how much to the pollution and the use of gua’ ‘. (KHOL, 1995, P.

65). 5. Pollution the contamination of the water can happen for causes of the lack of basic sanitation in cities (ousting of sewer directly in the rivers and courses d water), for discarded liquid material for industries (Called effluent) discarding of garbage in the used water, agrotxicos in agriculture among others material. The pollution has a direct action on the people who have contact with the water poluda, causing illnesses, as clera, tifo and hepatitis, without counting leptospirose, gastrointestinal disturbances, infections in the eyes, ears, throat and nose. This action also can occur because of the contamination of the fish that serve of food the populations that live to the edges of the rivers and seas. But the pollution of waters does not exert only direct actions on the human beings.

The pollution cause many other indirect, so serious damages how much to the illnesses. The ground is an element that can harm the water very, when carreado for the water courses. Because of agricultural and cattle activities, especially during the plantation of cultures, it sounds made mechanized operations that include arao, gradagem and others, that disaggregate the ground, leaving it without vegetal covering, and reducing its infiltration capacity of water.