The Magic Of Words Part

The Magic of the words: a Part I spent a few days letting my mind wander free on the paths traveled in recent months, how much higher it raises the thought, when I think that the effort has led me to the high peaks, surprising to find that I have done mass simply a small and miserable up costs. Behind this a me are things, yea, I do not know the Fourth: The way of an eagle in the air, the way of a serpent upon a rock; a The way of a ship at sea, And the way of a man the doncella.a a Proverbs 30: 18 a "19 a Standing on the top of my little hill, I discover a new heaven and a host of small miserable estrellasa that I hid costs, and end of the new horizon that would have been before me, defiantly emerge top of a small, miserable elevation, which reaches out to me in the form of intricate paths and invite you into his bosom, his heart and nourish discover their secrets. a There are days when my clumsy yearning paralyzes progress, when images of a time and was deeply nailed like a hair shirt that rips sharp steel teeth with the feelings that nest in the depths of my being and I shouted thousands of appeals and reproaches, as the siren song that leads into the abyss of negation, the distressing feeling of being lost to anyone without our environment. .

Gayle Santana

However, it became an opportunity for the country to review their current operating procedures and safety, ask better questions of their leaders. This requiring people to pay more attention to What? S happening at home and abroad. Many people, once passive or indifferent, are now actively working on making this country and the world a better place. If the country could face an event as devastating as the 9 / 11 and still pick up the pieces as a whole, make changes and we hope to move in a better direction, why not? It all starts with making better questions from the beginning. Be aware of what you’re saying to yourself and change the address if ITA? S not positive. It is not bury our heads in the sand, trying to establish himself to take immediate steps in the right direction.

Now leta? S see a list of three oriented solutions to the questions: 1. What would be the best way to handle this? 2. How I can do to prevent this from happening again? 3. What should I do for myself so I can keep going? Your dialogue can encourage the success of the action or interrupt in step and kill progressive solutions. Robert Kiyosaki, the fame of Rich Dad Poor Dad, says: “Do not say you” can not “afford … that is, how” can be “money.” This approach Spurs to a solution. The other approach is closed down.

A good tactic, if this crisis means that someone else would ask for a moment if possible. Indeed the promise of addressing the situation and return to them at a specific time or days. This gives you the chance to regroup and reach a viable solution. For me, this approach was an opportunity for me to do something I knew I had to do. Create more detailed procedures and processes. It opened the way for the growth of my business. However, the most remarkable personal benefit was that changed the way I feel physically and has created an environment relaxed, less estrespropietario of a company with a positive attitude towards the future and positive and productive solutions. I challenge you to try this approach next time you face a crisis and see if it can work for you.