Healthy and Smart

Amelia was a known woman very in the city in quevivia, a small city in the interior of So Paulo. Worked of empregadadomestica for a couple of aged has some years, since that she is widower and comuma small son to create. It and the husband already were with more than ten years of married eno had more hope to have children when suddenly she was born Pink. Lindacomo a flower, healthful and smart, was the treasure of the parents. Joaquin worked in one manufactures of agricultural tools nosarredores of the city, Amlia took care of of the house and Rosinha, but it also tinhauma activity that already is not more so known, mainly in the grandescidades, was a quack. This activity relieved it the fame and the respect dopovo of the region, therefore they said that it cured all males, beyond confortarmoralmente looked who it and not rare that it provided between the friends, all species of material aid to who needed. It knew grass for almost everything and conjuncts poderosastambm, cured the sick animals even though. Everything ran well until Rosinha to complete two years, he was nessapoca that Joaquin suffered one gluts sudden, leaving Amlia and Rosinhasozinhas in the world, until a couple of aged of the city, that they had for Amlia and its family, one grandeapreo, when knowing of the difficulties pelasquais Amlia and the son were passing, had offered they a chance to deviverem in peace and with dignity. The suffered one, but hopeful woman, would work in the house of D.Graa, help-years domestic tasks, that it stops, due the advanced age, was bemsofrido, on the other hand Amlia and Rosinha, would live in the same house that ocasal, since that Amlia did not leave to help the people who looked in buscade its conjuncts and teas to it. The years had been passing and to the ten years of Rosinha age faziajuz to the name, was pretty, meiga, gentile candy and, and in the house of D.Graa and Sr.Franciscotudo it was joy, mother efilha were more than what friends of the couple, treated themselves erespeitavam themselves as an only family.

Creative Languages

16 Who to believe and will be baptized will be saved; but who not to believe will be condemned. The salvation will not depend the legal, ritual praticismo more than, of belongs to one definitive people. It is demanded acceptance of who the Father sent, as only Salvador and, consequntemente, the experience of the values left that you, in special way the practical one of the generous, oblativo love. 17 and these signals will follow to that to believe: In my name they will banish the demons; they will say new languages fighting to win all monster the service of the primitive chaos, fighting so that everything and all the ones that for it will be involved, start to live the initial order of the divine creation. ' ' They will say new lnguas' ' , the languages understood for the peoples who say the most diverse languages: the language of the love, the language of the service, language of the oblation. 18 They will catch in the serpents; e, if to drink some deadly thing, will not make them damage some; bilge the hands on the patients, will cure and them. ' ' They will catch in serpentes' ' , facing all type of badly, winning all type of temptation. The drama in the terrestrial paradise, when it was preferred to hear the tempting serpent, and not Creative it, does not have to happen again: Gn 3, lss.

' ' if mortal&#039 had drunk some poison; ' , exactly citizens the all type of temptation, I will be to the side to help, to fortify. The mortal poison will not reach them, ' ' it will not make to them badly. Bilge the hands on enfermos' ' , they will be committed and they will become involved in the fight against everything what it oppresses the human being, ' ' curaro' '.