Healthy Meat-Free Diets

Between 40-60% of cancer of pancreas and liver is produced by excessive consumption of meat as their assimilation is an undue burden on the Agency. Actually this disease is not anything other than a wasteful and uncontrolled growth of diseased cells. In addition there is a wide range of diseases, infections and disorders that are favored by excessive consumption of meat. For example cardiovascular diseases, which are the main cause of current death, the same increase at the same time that increases the consumption of meat. But also diabetes, myocardial infarction, stroke, disturbances of blood circulation, osteoporosis, arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism, gout and obesity among others, without forgetting that the sensitivity to pain also increases. We would not need the meat in our way of life. An example is in some Asian countries where people live in a vegetarian way from generations ago, enjoying very good health. Recent studies show that vegetarians have better health parameters, in general vegetarians are healthier.

From a scientific standpoint the meat is insane and should be avoided as far as possible. Why then in hospitals, homes for the elderly or schools still is considering the meat diet as a normal diet? If you see any food pyramid recommended by doctors and nutritionists we discovered that most consumed foods should be cereals, followed by fruits and vegetables, and only very high fats, meats, eggs, milk and its derivatives are found. If we look at another pyramid this time of grants from the State to food, we discover that products of animal origin are which include greater State subsidy. What continues to be paradoxical since foods that are not healthy, with this status are funded causes itself in part a good number of problems, since through the enormous expense of the Social Security, you will need to cure those diseases resulting from poor nutrition. Do not be anything better and more economical? do prevent than cure? In another order of things, it is not known what actually happens in the intensive breeding farms. There the animals are fed so that they can produce in the shortest possible time the greater amount of meat, this can then encourage a situation of uncontrolled and abnormal cell growth in our organism.

When fats and meat proteins swim in the human body, is like a marine oil pollution. The cells in the immune system are completely paralyzed because they may not neutralize these harmful particles, this it is not surprising that go so closely linked meat consumption to uncontrollable diseases. The rich and healthy nature offers prepared with top quality ingredients, have resulted in true delicacies. Vegetarian cuisine is not galling, but refreshing, digestive and above all healthy. With the many gifts that nature gives it is easy to give up dangerous meat. Not by chance many famous people lived as a vegetarian, for example Socrates and Plato, Darwin and Tolstoi, Nietzsche and Gandhi, Albert Einstein and many more.

World Health Organization

Taken at the beginning of winter, or moments before travelling internationally, will help protect the body against the attacks of influenza or flu for the current year. You can also take the principle of an acute infection of influenza or flu to improve recovery time and decrease the symptoms without side effects. It helps the body to increase the natural defense by providing a platform to health and vitality. Due to its unique homeopathic formulation, they can be used safely by all ages, including small babies and during pregnancy and lactation valuable protection for the whole family! Influenzinum (30 c) is a remedy made from the updated flu vaccine. Influenzinum composition changes each year according to the antigenic variations detected by the network for the surveillance of the World Health Organization.

Bacillinum (30 c) is a homeopathic ingredient first described by Dr. Burnett. Is recommended for people that have a disposition of catching colds and sore throats and can assist with respiratory weakness and lung. This remedy would suit those who are suffering with headaches by congestion that tend to worsen with movement. Gelsemium (30 c) is native to North and Central America and can be found in coastal regions in humid woodlands of Virginia to Mexico. It is a very attractive vine that can climb up in trees host to a great height, often hanging on tresses from one to the other.

The root of the plant has been used since the days of the colonists in America to treat fevers. This remedy is typically adapted to those who tend to be sedentary, preferring to move as little as possible. It can be used to treat headaches (accompanied by fatigue) and disorientation. Nux vomica (30 c) is native to the India, the wood of this tree is very durable. The remedy was tested by Dr. Hahnemann. This remedy suits those who tend to be agitated and ambitious. They also tend to be very susceptible to common colds and bushy noses. This remedy is particularly beneficial in reducing fevers, coughs, and sore throats.

Emotional Consumption

There are some guidelines that you can follow to avoid emotional consumption and the associated excessive indulgence often to feast days, helping to reduce to a minimum the holiday pounds saving overweight load and the guilt of add weight loss to your list of new year resolutions. Learn how to say no: most of us will generally receive more invitations than during the holidays. This does not mean that you have to hire an Assistant to manage their social obligations. Running holidays in holiday you can leave you stunned and take you to weight gain, while a cocktail here and an appetizer there can easily add to the excess calories. Prioritize and respond to commitments that are not in conflict with your schedule or require you to sacrifice the healthy parts of his life, as an exercise, to take care of them.

Get a babysitter: this can be an enormous help, so you can focus on running additional errands, cooking a healthy meal, going to the gym, buying gifts, or simply take a little rest. Drink plenty of water: most of us don’t drink enough water during the holidays, foods loaded with sodium in addition to an increase in alcohol consumption, we can rapidly lead to dehydration. Avoid eating out too often: Yes, it is tempting to who wants to go home and cook dinner after a long day at work, combined with the multiplicity of the obligations that arise, especially during this time of the year? Food from restaurants no matter how healthy and low carb menu, however, they may contain an enormous amount of sodium that is harmful to health and can lead to weight gain. Keep your exercise routine: regardless of the choice of exercise walking, running, swimming, jogging, or regular exercise Yoga is a part of a healthy lifestyle. Exercise helps not only keep weight within a healthy range, also promotes the restful sleep and relieves tension.

Get enough sleep: this is one of the most important to follow advice. Research has shown a link between obesity and insomnia. The study showed that people who slept less than 6 hours of sleep at night, they are at a higher risk for obesity. Be grateful and have fun! Holidays are a time to be with the people that we love and honor are not that more with us.