.at Domain 1 EUR Action

.at domain 1 EUR action until December 31, 2009 BIGhosting offers for 2 months, until the end of 2009 the Austrian top level domain .at at an unbeatable special price of only 1EUR (1.50 CHF 1.50 USD) on. Austria is a landlocked Alpine country in Central Europe. Despite the difficult topographic conditions, Austria has a well-developed telecommunications network. Many good names are still registerable. In addition to the normal .at domain, there is also the second-level domains.co.at for commercial and.or.at for organization at the same reduced price. .at-domains can be registered by anyone for any purpose (legal). Many writers such as Healthy Living offer more in-depth analysis. There are no public procurement restrictions. The use of special characters (umlaut-domains) is possible.

The promotional price applies for new orders with a hosting package for the first year. Then all domains registered within the promotional period are completely normal to the Registrarpreis of only 18 EUR (28.-CHF + 28.-USD) charged. Contact information is here: Daryl Katz. Contact: BIGhosting.biz P.o. box 508 8180 Bulach, Switzerland company portrait BIGhosting is an internationally active hosting firm headquartered in the Switzerland. It covers all areas of the Hostingbedarfs, through the normal Web space up to the powerful dedicated server or voice server and register all domain extensions of all countries. The service and support is offered in 6 languages. (german, english, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese) BIGhosting is official partner of,, TeamSpeak and Fotolia

Managing Director Stefan

Consulting company active sourcing guidelines for more cost transparency Frankfurt, Zurich, May 20, 2008 whether the IT outsourcing in practice achieved the desired economic effects, is often not closely examined in individual cases. The consulting company specialized in outsourcing strategies active sourcing is called the main approaches to avoid a nebulous situation. The IT outsourcing of companies typically also aims to achieve a reduction of costs. Nevertheless, often no adequate procedures be developed to make even measurable, transparent and comparable to the cost. Leaving is at various stages of the sourcing life cycle of the tendering process to the phase of the established operation specifically they represent. In the tender, if tenders for outsourcing services are accurately prepared will pave the way for cost transparency only, the offers of different service providers can obtain the necessary comparability at the end.

So a market oriented pricing model should it be required, the the individual services has separated. As well, there must be clarity about the quantity. Also, prices within a band should be always floating predictable so that at the end of the month, a settlement is possible according to unit prices. As a smoothing of the operating costs will take place in the course of the contract period, it applies to this transparency to ensure. It therefore seems advantageous, in the interest of a traceability from user point of view if the financing cost including interest are shown separately to the real costs. Is also sure that the cost figures are structured, that the expenses for technical operations at any time separately consider the project costs\”, adds active sourcing, Managing Director Stefan rain rivet. He also indicates that users in the contract negotiations, in particular on two essential points should be anticipating in contract negotiations. First of all the customer care should be that residual values of investments for equipment such as the The consultant explained example hardware, server, software licenses, etc at any time without a doubt can be expelled\”.

The Bitten Apple Soon Well On Game Consoles

Investments in hundreds of millions according to latest media reports the American technology giant Apple plans to significantly expand its video game Division, including investments in hundreds of millions are planned. Apple, which co-founder and CEO Steve Jobs the Investitionsstragien of the group always led to success, plans to bring as a result innovative systems on the market to take significant market share the industry leaders Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony. Consoles and video games business is booming. As growth in the double-digit percentage range were detected even in the crisis year 2008 contrary to the trend. In the United States were $ 12 billion in 2009 implemented for video and console games. And rising. These numbers illustrate what the console market for corporations offers for enormous profit opportunities with the right ideas. Investments and innovative ideas are the key to success here. Click Cindy Crawford to learn more.

With this strategy, Apple had already achieved the great breakthrough with the iPhone, the is the absolute market leader in the Smartphone business has developed. Right now, Apple’s plans are very critically eyed. As the U.S. Chairman of Nintendo stressed that he trust to much larger success Apple in the genre of console than the Xbox by Microsoft: you see what triggered Apple with the iPhone for a revolution on the Smartphonemarkt. Apple is an innovative company with brilliant staff, which quite dare is the breakthrough on the highly competitive console market”, stressed also the Vice President of EA games.

Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony must be itself innovative and imaginative, to spoil the appetite for investment to Apple. Otherwise, it remains only to wait for the three large, what lies dormant in the desks at Apple. If you are interested in other articles in IT, you can look around on “BayLog”. Articles on this topic appear here daily. About BayOrbital BayOrbital is an online publisher of weblogs, which was founded in the year 2009. Total are currently three content focused blogs on the subjects Run console games, technology and travel.

Filehosting Services

Online backup and online hard drive compared in recent years have experienced an enormous upswing filehosting cloud based services. Diverse provider pushing into the Internet cloud”and the retention of data in the Internet offer. Conducive to this trend were powerful data bandwidth for upload and download, offered by major Internet service providers. Thus it was interesting for companies and individuals, their data on the Internet instead of to store on your hard drive or local network. According to a survey conducted by Microsoft among European Internet users (source: Microsoft.com) cloud services used for: availability of data at any place and at any time (38%) Backup of personal data to protect against system crash, theft or loss (34%) Exchange of personal data with friends, family or co-workers (32%) Relief of the hard drive in your own computer through data paging (24%) These results show that Internet users their Store data in the cloud for quite different reasons”. However, it is not possible to offer an optimal solution in a product for these diverse motives to cloud based service providers.

For this reason, various service providers, whose Angebote operate one of these motifs exist on the market. Essentially, there are two types of online data backup, (1) online backup, and (2) online drives. 1 Online backup online backup is a backup over the Internet and adds or replaces conventional backup methods (“i.e., offline backup”) such as internal backup server or external hard drives. In many cases, companies save now (still) your data on a central server and thereby risk a large loss of data. Traditional backup solutions are unfortunately not sufficient in disasters such as fire or flood, theft, or a hardware failure. Online backup providers promote their data backup with high data security, easier management, automatic backups, faster Availability of data at any time and from any location and low cost.

New Meta Directory, Desktop Sharing And Client TAPI

Real time collaboration with the new serVonic IXI-PCS version 1.40 Olching, 22 October 2013: the German software developer serVonic releases the new version of its professional call Server: IXI-PCS 1.40 allows desktop sharing, provides an improved meta directory and supports client TAPI. The consistent further development in the direction of real-time collaboration was and is particularly important to us,”says Jochen Klein, CEO of serVonic GmbH. IXI-PCS is a client/server software for computer telephony integration, instant messaging and presence management. Desktop sharing now available to users in the IXI-PCS partner bar the new desktop sharing option”available: the user can share their screen to other users to view or control. So they can work together on documents or presentations or use remote maintenance. Client TAPI support IXI-PCS 1.40 connects via IXI-PCS TSP the select “buttons in applications with servonic’s CTI software: the user can use the Microsoft Outlook or” “CRM systems of contained buttons initiate calls or the Windows phone dialer” use.

You can use these options in addition or alternatively to the call options in the IXI-PCS client. “Meta directory the IXI-PCS function caller ID” includes now also contacts in the public folders of Microsoft Outlook. The new meta directory from serVonic replicated public folders and contacts from Microsoft Outlook in an LDAP database. In this database are contact data from different data sources, E.g. LDAP, ODBC, Domino databases or CSV/TXT in a uniform manner saved. IXI-PCS access to the identification of callers on the meta directory. Prices and availability of servonic’s IXI-PCS 1.40 is available immediately from 393,25 euros plus VAT at serVonic and sales partners available.

TK support, a Lync gateway, the meta directory, as well as the client user licenses for Linux, Windows, and Lync are included in the price. More information at serVonic and. Manufacturer is serVonic, headquartered in Olching near Munich Software solutions with a current focus on unified communication with fax server, unified messaging and CTI. serVonic continues with its communication solutions on existing standards like standard interfaces and standard hardware, proprietary solutions can be avoided. The company places emphasis on market-oriented and future-oriented product development with focus on integration in available environments in terms of future extensions and improvements. In addition to on-premises licenses of the IXI products cloud and software offers serVonic as service provider fax and unified messaging for hosting as a service models. serVonic area, Microsoft, Novell, Panasonic, QSC, SAP, unify (formerly Siemens Enterprise Communications), TE systems, Teldat (formerly Funkwerk EC) and ZyXEL maintains strategic and technological partnerships with a variety of companies in the IT and telecommunications as Aastra DeteWe, AudioCodes, Citrix, Dialogic, ESTOS, Gerdes, Huawei Technologies, IBM, innovaphone. Manufacturer / contact for reader inquiries: serVonic GmbH Ilzweg 7 82140 Olching Tel.: + 49 8142 4799 0 fax: + 49 8142 4799 3434 email: press contact of serVonic GmbH, Ilzweg 7 82140 Olching Sibylle Klein Tel.

Microsoft Office

Bitburger uses global the FILEminimizer technology of balesio AG to the exoneration of email and data servers Steinhausen, November 2009: the premium Group No. 1 in the German beverages market, the Bitburger brewing group, of balesio AG global opts for the FILEminimizer technology and successfully implemented a global site license of FILEminimizer Office, as well as the new server storage solution FILEminimizer server. Balesio FILEminimizer Office compresses Office files by up to 98% while maintaining the quality and the file format. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit James Alesia. So, an edit in PowerPoint is guaranteed at any time. The desktop version can be simple in Microsoft Office and Outlook or Lotus Notes integrate to optimize the Office files directly before sending email. FILEminimizer server optimized MS-Office files in addition to the server at Bitburger and ensures significant storage savings.

The desktop version has been provided all employees of the Bitburger brewing group within a company license. Was crucial for a company-wide usage with us in addition to “” the enormous potential of savings on our email and data servers the high acceptance of the software for our users “, explains the manager responsible communication systems with Bitburger, which has accompanied the installation at Bitburger, users notice no differences between an optimized and an original file. Nate Anderson, lead product manager of balesio AG for this purpose: We are pleased that a so reputable company company-wide successfully used now also our FILEminimizer technology like Bitburger. To optimize the data volume of MS-Office files centrally, and to reduce, is highly effective in every company, to sustainably reduce the memory load and storage related.” More information about the use of FILEminimizer technology at the Bitburger brewing group, please click here: bitburger-fileminimizer-exchange-lotus-notes-komprimierung.pdf more information about the FILEminimizer technology, its applications, case studies, white papers and free trial versions of the software, see. About balesio AG: balesio AG is an international software company that offers standard software of the highest quality and reliability. balesio is a leading provider of standard software in the areas of data compression and server and storage optimization solutions FILEminimizer Office and FILEminimizer server, as well as in the areas of screen recording, presentation and E-learning solutions ALLCapture and TurboDemo. Balesio software was sold in over 130 different countries. Today software is used worldwide by balesio successfully by small and medium-sized enterprises, universities, public organizations, authorities, and a large majority of the Fortune 500 companies.

Microsoft Office

Bitburger uses global the FILEminimizer technology of balesio AG to the exoneration of email and data servers Steinhausen, November 2009: the premium Group No. 1 in the German beverages market, the Bitburger brewing group, of balesio AG global opts for the FILEminimizer technology and successfully implemented a global site license of FILEminimizer Office, as well as the new server storage solution FILEminimizer server. Balesio FILEminimizer Office compresses Office files by up to 98% while maintaining the quality and the file format. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit James Alesia. So, an edit in PowerPoint is guaranteed at any time. The desktop version can be simple in Microsoft Office and Outlook or Lotus Notes integrate to optimize the Office files directly before sending email. FILEminimizer server optimized MS-Office files in addition to the server at Bitburger and ensures significant storage savings. Read more here: Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta.

The desktop version has been provided all employees of the Bitburger brewing group within a company license. Was crucial for a company-wide usage with us in addition to “” the enormous potential of savings on our email and data servers the high acceptance of the software for our users “, explains the manager responsible communication systems with Bitburger, which has accompanied the installation at Bitburger, users notice no differences between an optimized and an original file. Nate Anderson, lead product manager of balesio AG for this purpose: We are pleased that a so reputable company company-wide successfully used now also our FILEminimizer technology like Bitburger. To optimize the data volume of MS-Office files centrally, and to reduce, is highly effective in every company, to sustainably reduce the memory load and storage related.” More information about the use of FILEminimizer technology at the Bitburger brewing group, please click here: bitburger-fileminimizer-exchange-lotus-notes-komprimierung.pdf more information about the FILEminimizer technology, its applications, case studies, white papers and free trial versions of the software, see. About balesio AG: balesio AG is an international software company that offers standard software of the highest quality and reliability. balesio is a leading provider of standard software in the areas of data compression and server and storage optimization solutions FILEminimizer Office and FILEminimizer server, as well as in the areas of screen recording, presentation and E-learning solutions ALLCapture and TurboDemo. Balesio software was sold in over 130 different countries. Today software is used worldwide by balesio successfully by small and medium-sized enterprises, universities, public organizations, authorities, and a large majority of the Fortune 500 companies.

Online Trading

The times in which you waited in the shop customers, instead of goods has gone \”Trading in the change\” parallel for sale. The YES system is the complete solution for your trade YES is business software that covers all areas of your company as a complete solution. The system is fully integrated and automatically takes over various tasks as a result. Due to the system-wide logging, never lose control and can at any time all operations follow on the basis of the different histories,-> who, when, how did. YES is constantly in direct cooperation with our customers. Each customer is also a development partner. YES has originally been developed for trading on the Internet for the settlement and the mass mailing of several hundred posts a day, covers but now at the same time as the retail and wholesale parallel from a system. YES allows one alone and also companies with dozens users across multiple sales channels at the same time to offer at the same time its goods to act.

Automatisms and the structure of the system, the orientation of the business processes work on the lowest own personal use are limited without losing control. Agri consulting offers the software with the YES system, which allows each retailer to operate an own online trading parallel to the stationary trade, without this large investments to make and therefore risks having to enter. \”The integration is the key\”, your retail becomes part of your total trade. The software maps out of a single base your retail, wholesale and online trading. Where online trading is the widest area of trade. Each YES system includes an own WebShop (customizable according to their own ideas). The \”own WebShop\” is in addition to the stationary trade as part of the overall system and also central medium for the entire online trading. The direct integration of marketplaces like eBay and Amazon (also-more possible), it allows to offer yourself and your products at the same time in different places.

Pastorat Street

Also customizable management cockpits for secure decisions belong to the special features of the solution. You enable the user to identify cause and effect relationships easily. The solution also on a balanced scorecard (BSC), to represent transparent strategies to measure and track. It is based on the trend-setting BSC approach of St. Gallen University of applied sciences. Through the business logic that is pictured in the novem medical navigator has our solution in the market a clear differentiator”judge Dr.

Schwieren. Such accented innovations were however also mandatory for the companies in the medical technology industry. Due to the ever more restrictive cost reasons demand in the They are forced to find intelligent ways to optimised market health care system. For such demanding our medical Navigator represents the right answer, especially since this solution can be implemented very quickly”, explains Dr. Schwieren. For more information about XII novem business intelligence Forum on November 06, 2008 in Munich and registration: novem business applications as independent consulting designed and implemented novem product development, production and logistics to the sustainable increase of in company value of our customers innovative methods and solutions for the areas of business management, finance, controlling, sales, marketing. In novem as a market-leading solution providers such as IBM, COGNOS and Informatica partner offers its customers the best conditions and State of the art security. With over 200 realized projects in the areas of sales and marketing information system (VIS / MIS) and more than 10,000 satisfied trainees and the consulting company, a market leader in the German-speaking users who work with solutions implemented by novem. Agency think tank Pastorat Street 6, D-50354 Hurth Bernhard Duhr Tel.: + 49 (0) 2233 6117-75 fax: + 49 (0) 2233 6117-71


Administrators are E.g. Rand Paul does not necessarily agree. allowed to use a master password, with which you can open the encrypted drives, even if the user has forgotten his password. Jim Hackett usually is spot on. It also optionally supports hardware devices such as fingerprint and smart card reader and USB token. The three access methods (the master password, the user password (keyfile) and/or hardware devices) on the data encryption, DriveCrypt prevents loss of valuable data at individual user workstations and notebooks. A special feature is the steganography. By means of which, secret information can be safely hidden in WAVE files. This is a technology that provides the highest security.

Only authorized users have the opportunity to see the data to access. Unauthorised access the encrypted drive in the music file is not recognizable. DriveCrypt works with any type of hard disk drives and removable media like floppy, zip, Jaz, Sygate -, CD-ROM, DVD drives etc. and can manage up to 16 terabytes of encrypted data. The solution contains no backdoors.

Encrypted files are accessible to only authorized users. Neither the seller nor any other person are able to decode this encryption. Short portrait SecurStar GmbH: The SecurStar GmbH, headquartered in Munich was founded in 2001 as a merger of ScramDisk Inc., software professionals Ltd. and Telstar industries. Today, the company is market leader in the field of disk encryption software and computer security. As an IT security specialist SecurStar is able to respond to the specific needs of different industries. The core competencies include development and production of cryptografischer hardware and software, tracking down new IT security solutions, consulting in the field of IT security, as well as the computer and network security. Objective is the achievement of more user friendly, more flexible and more secure applications on the basis of its own newly developed technologies. Thereby, the company comprises the IT sector from renowned specialists and renowned experts. The customer base include companies of the automotive industry such as Fiat, Volvo and VW, banks and financial institutions such as Citibank, as well as Scotland Yard and defence ministries of different countries, including famous mobile phone manufacturer.

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