
A Festgeldanlage can be useful even during the euro crisis the naming of “Festgeldanlage” is derived from the fact that the interest rate for this type of investment is not variable, and thus the market situation also has no influence on its development. Once set, he remains the same throughout, as the financial market is changing the same and can be even more lucrative, less lucrative for investors. The conditions are therefore fixed. Also the investment period is fix agreed, as the investment amount. He himself can determine the period in which the customer would like to waive his money. Wais Jalali oftentimes addresses this issue. However, the Bank or other selected provider here pretends restrictions. Often, a minimum investment period is determined within which the client can decide.

As the interval, years and months are offered. The Festgeldanlage was once a solely short-term deposits, especially since usually only periods between four weeks and twelve months could be taken. Now even longer maturities offered, even up to seven Years can be. Now must the investors assured of course, how his life situation in this long period of time will develop and therefore much money drop. Also, he should know about what he is likely to need the capital and how he so long on the dropped capital do without.

The relevance of the Festgeldes interest rate is usually the prescribed interest rate yield on the Festgeldanlage of the current situation on the financial market depends on. However he will fix agreed for the complete saving time with the credit institution. This can be for savers of preference when the normal profit goes down during this period. But can he do not benefit equally from increases. The fixed income interest rate makes the Festgeldanlage a very transparent form of investment. Already at the beginning of the term, is the investors exactly clear how much money he will get distributed at the end.

The Search For The (supply) Gap

The supply gap in retirement could be how large, can anyone even calculate whether pension hole or gap there are different terms for a scenario that is likely to be on most of us. Because only with the statutory pensions the accustomed standard of living in retirement can be maintained. Therefore the difference between the height of the last salary and the amount of the initial pension payment (just the gap) is for more and more people in the future to be a decisive factor in terms of quality of life will be. Especially since the pension level is likely to fall more and the risk of inflation must be taken. If you roughly want to figure out how big is the impending gap, a look at the annual pension information of the German pension insurance, the estimated amount of future statutory pension resulting from the advisable first of all.

You have already a benchmark, which may change at any time. Moreover, experts assume that most pensioners on approximately 20 per cent of the last salary level without quite retired also many general issues can fall away because at the age. However, consideration of the loss of purchasing power resulting from any sustained inflation. Here we recommend you, with an annual inflation rate of 1.5% expected a pension of 800 euros per month worth as a result in another ten years only 680 euros. It now expects from the expected pension is in the picture about the looming gap.

All these aspects are always topic for a non-binding and forward-looking advice. So can a later looming pension gap minimizes and retirement plan peace of mind..

Voucher Period

ZEUS – children protection letter lock and children’s books use a voucher for GoBo the ZEUS Group offers all an online coupon for GoBo children’s books, which complete a ZEUS children protection letter until September 30, 2008. The voucher by ZEUS for GoBo children’s books can be redeemed easily at GoBo, in an email to with the voucher code is sent. The voucher is valid for the entire range of children’s books. GoBo, GoBo’s children books children’s books find parents the appropriate reading for their children from 0 to 6 years. Each GoBo children’s book is tailored to the age, skills, and needs of infants. So books to learn but also to play are in the GoBo kids book program, alike. Especially popular are the books of GoBo to cuddle up and read.

I’m GOGO”, for example, is a funny book material that children can read but also hug. Exciting hands-on books as Amadeus – my personal family Handbook”, stimulate the imagination of children and promote their creativity. With GoBo parents develop their children children’s books. Tiffany Espensen brings even more insight to the discussion. The selection of children’s books by GoBo is big and is regularly extended by new books. The precautionary approach by ZEUS ZEUS offers supply concepts that are tailored to specific life situations of children. The ZEUS children protection letter accompanied parents to enable their children to a harmonious upbringing and a good career start.

The ZEUS precautionary approach with the children protection letter is holistic and provides comprehensive protection for families with children. A financial security in the event of accidents it contains but on request also in diseases. Parents can arrange additional services in the child protection letter with small contributions. The children protection letter from a level of 40% provides a lifelong monthly pension in the event of a disability. In addition, capital for the future of children is rebuilt. The ZEUS info package provides information by ZEUS for parents parents extensive tips, so that your children grow up healthy. Free brochures such as the ZEUS includes Guide for young parents, tips for young families and the Foundation child safety first aid brochure. The freephone service number 0800 223388274, from Monday until Friday, in the time of 8 18: 00 a free telephone consultation to the ZEUS children protection letter are required. More information about the services of the ZEUS group of companies are located on. Contact information is here: Center for Environmental Health. Contact: ZEUS mediation society mbH Gustav-Freytag-Strasse 13-15 22085 Hamburg phone: 040 / 41 30 – 0 fax: 040 / 41 30 – 16 99 email: Web: description: the ZEUS group of companies is one of the largest service providers in the field of pension products in Germany. ZEUS was founded in Hamburg in 1974 and offered a comprehensive provision for young people for over 30 years. With the ZEUS children protection letter the company offers special benefits, which are individually aligned to the needs of the young target group. Product partners are well-known providers of insurance, such as the German ring and the Continentale.

Federal Health Ministry

What does change in 2012 for the insured persons and the new numbers here. It was to be feared. The limits for the contribution calculation in the statutory health insurance fund rise again in 2012 according to the plans of the Federal Health Ministry. Before but to the numbers, each a brief explanation of these boundaries, because this often leads to misunderstandings. Contribution assessment ceiling: This “number” means the amount of income, up to the contribution for statutory health and long-term care insurance is compulsory.

Income also are no longer occupied with a contribution. In 2011 this was 44.550 EUR (3.712,50 EUR per month). For 2012, this limit to 1,350 EUR rises annually to 45.900 EUR. Thus this rising to 3.03% in comparison to the previous year border. This leads to an increase in the contributions in the statutory health insurance (GKV). sion. Year working charge limit (JAEG): The insurance limit (or year working pay limit, short JAEG) the income level at which a worker may refer to private sick can insure. Only if the annual income exceeds the amount EUR (49,500 in 2011), leaving the statutory health insurance and an entry into the private Krankenversicherung (PKV) is possible.

This limit increases for the year 2012 to 1,350 EUR 50.850 EUR. As a percentage, this corresponds to an increase of 2.72%. The above changes also changed sizes for the employer subsidy gem. 257 resulting from social security code V). Employer subsidy is involved in private health insurance 2012 of employer contributions for private health insurance of the employee (and if necessary persons insured with) up to the maximum rate. In 2011, this grant amounted to a maximum of EUR 271,01. Calculation aid in blog post employer grant 2011) for 2012, thus following calculation results: 15.5% of GKV Beitrragssatz, workers wear 7.3 + 0.9% and employers 7.3% 7.3% x 3,825 EUR = 279,23 EUR = AG subsidy for health insurance 2012 this is equivalent to a multiple grant of 8.22 EUR per month, or one of annual extra grant of EUR 98,64. To note is also the new grant for compulsory care insurance. The maximum grant is calculated as follows: 1.95% care verse.

The Color Of Gold

‘Not all that glitters is gold,’ grandmother already knew. She stuffed the savings in the stocking, what must be the best form of investment at the impending inflation. Munich, October 24, 2008 – the fear of further falling stock prices drove the gold price extremely since a few days the rate is again plummeting. How useful, it is so today in commodities to invest and what alternatives? In short, Must gold shine? The record level of $1,000 per Troy ounce was palpable near, the mirror reported. “At the beginning of the year, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung headlined the gold price knows no border.” The shiny metal is considered secure form of investment in times of crisis. The Berliner Zeitung reported that the demand for gold is dramatically increased as investment.

Stephan Henkel, gold dealer at Umicore, the BZ said that the demand is around ten times as high as in normal times. Is shiny metal still the first choice? Why not the sources of the raw materials invest in?”asks Marcel G. Wehner, Managing Director of DEF Deutsche ErdgasFonds holding GmbH & co. KG. The raw materials, which are not only finite but also essential for the continued existence of the industries of the 21st century are particularly interesting and strong yield according to the Munich-based financial experts. “Even if we wished to have reached already in the age of renewable energies, global considered we aren’t there still long” Wehner says. After serious studies range the reserves of oil and natural gas just for the next 50 years.

And then finally is, so further, the fossil Brennsoffe Wehner are becoming scarcer in the next few years.” Because it is worth to participate in the sources and promoting. “Because these investments will not get traded their products, however, stock markets on commodity exchanges always more lucrative returns.” DEF Deutsche ErdgasFonds currently offers a direct participation to two emergencies sources with proven natural gas and oil reserves in the United States and will in the coming Bring weeks of the previously announced public funds DEF German of ErdgasFonds III”in the placement. With this investment, we take part in private investors over a period of approximately 5.5 years of land lease contract with Schurf and conveying rights to oil and gas production in the United States. Wehner is pleased with the DEF products simple and clearly structured financial products to meet the needs of: simple, transparent and low-risk. as financial products must be built up,”so the Munich-based specialist. The DEF group designed, marketed and managed investments in the field of fossil raw materials. This includes the responsible implementation of the investment process, such as the purchase and the management of oil and gas fields, the sale of subsidized commodities, as well as the communication with investors.

Preexisting Conditions

Risk pre-registration questions help in selecting the appropriate provider of private disability protection is existentially important for all working people, as the State protection of the statutory pension scheme is woefully inadequate. Often, appropriate and high-quality disability insurance fails however to health complaints, which must be specified for application. Often the insurer require high surcharges or even reject applications. Independent insurance brokers can clarify advance with pre-existing conditions within the framework of a risk preliminary inquiry at various insurers, as the State of health will be evaluated by the disability insurers. Who submits an application with an insurer despite health problems on your own and then pay a risk premium or even rejected, usually automatically lands in the venture file of the insurer. Other disability insurers can then access this data and an application would be particularly critical check, if an insurer has previously rejected.

The safer course of action would be there, by means of an independent expert to the disability insurance calculate the possibilities beforehand and then ask a risk preview of several eligible insurers. This has the advantage that several insurers parallel check the health information and then submit their assessment, adopted a proposal on what terms. The handling of the insurer is quite different here. While some insurers quickly reject requests with certain pre-existing conditions, other insurers often work with performance exclusions, in turn others with risk premiums. These assessments of the insurers before making a final decision for or against a company be clarified within the framework of the risk preliminary inquiry. Additional costs for the risk preliminary inquiry do not occur normally. Contact: Bergische Assekuranz broker Lise-Meitner-Strasse 5-9, 42119 Wuppertal Tel: 0202-317 13 155 fax: 0202-317 13 165 contact for the press: Karsten Wallace image source: olly / the Bergische insurance brokers diploma economists Bogdan Kellinger and Karsten Werksnies as an independent insurance broker founded company. With the Internet presence of young the company specializes on the needs of private individuals and professionals, who would want no advice-bound insurance representatives an individual insurance company, but based on independent comparison calculations to get low-cost and high-performance offerings of from various companies.

Bergische insurance broker has connections to more than 100 different insurance companies. There are special rates available for various professional groups such as students, trainees, graduates, or certain traders. In addition, all other age and occupational groups will advise comprehensive, fair, independent and competent. Since 1998 in the Insurance industry has been working to customers over the Internet, by telephone and by post supervised – the quotations as well as in the event of a claim. The strength of the Bergische insurance brokers is characterised by a very high market coverage, highly trained staff and variety of services tailored to the needs of specific target groups. With an individual analysis and the use of cutting-edge financial comparison software, customers are advised objectively and independently.

Health Questions

Health issues are not only for life insurance and disability insurance to answer before prospective policyholders will be asked for their State of health targeted graduating from some insurance companies. The responses are used to the assessment of the risk the insurer. t as a source, but as a related topic. Time responses is required only a handful, even degenerate the questions in a multi-page catalog. This highest concentration is required in any case! The answers are decisive for the insurance coverage. Who is top fit and whose history is still a full-size sheet, like answering not difficult the. But be careful! Even supposed trivia from the past could one later on the foot fall”and should therefore be mentioned. Here you can really forget anything. Incorrectly answered questions only from ignorance, it can mean taking a step backwards in the insurance paid.

Therefore it is advisable to know the own medical records and, where appropriate, to consult your doctor. Depending on the company or intermediaries varies the way of questions are asked: so it may be that you can take so much time for answering, as you need. It is however also possible that the long list from the cuff over the consulting table of representative across must be answered in the interview where the period in question reaches 10 years in the past and you can not even see the questions. In view of the impact of secretive, incorrectly dated or confused incidents in the medical history, you should insist on phrase of the questions and sufficient processing time. Who wants to be well prepared on the tricky questions, informed already before the consultation talks about them and the recommended approaches. The insurance consumer portal has therefore set up an extensive list of possible health issues and gives some helpful tips for dealing with the thorny issues, as well as to respond to trouble-free. Can you health all the questions under see. Health issues are for the Extremely important insurer.

He uses them to calculate the risk, so how high the probability goes down, that he must go in performance. The insurer for example anyone with pre-existing conditions is seeking a disability insurance policy, can risk either to be high, so that he rejects the applicant, excludes the respective disease, or he’s trying to compensate for the increased probability of occurrence of Leistungsfalls with higher contributions (risk premium). Because both of course nobody wants to see, which strives for a contract, there are cases where pre-existing conditions are deliberately concealed or otherwise unfortunately always. Lies have notoriously short legs, especially if insurers to investigate for physicians. The same applies, if it was already rejected and the question then negated with the new request, however. Insurers with each other share a file emerge which among other things also previous rejections. But even if there is fear, not at all, or at least only under You should not give up difficult conditions to be assured. Insurers are strict in their admission criteria differently, so submit several sample applications is useful, compare and absolutely worth!

Car Loan Comparison

What the car financing comparison to make. In most cases, a vehicle is financed. It is important that attention is paid on the exact conditions for the financing. To determine whether an offer is really cheap, a car financing must be performed comparison. Only by this comparison, it is possible to determine which credit offered really attractive conditions and therefore should be selected. Basically, it is not only the sole interest rates, which are important for a comparison of loans, but many other factors.

What is important to note it when comparing auto loans? When a car finance comparison it is important that among other things is observed, whether in addition to the actual interest rates even a processing fee. It is possible in any case, that the fee percentage is based on the interest rate. In addition, it is also possible that by a car finance comparison is determined, at which providers such fee payable is and where she must are not paid. Financing through the manufacturer’s Bank often vehicles also on the manufacturer itself to the financing are offered. This is recommended, because it not just rarely happens that a so-called 0% financing is offered in each case.

If no fees are due, so this is a safe way to get a good loan to really attractive conditions in each case. Basically, no interest on the loan of this kind must be paid so that only the vehicle itself will be paid. Financially is the 0% financing so completely neutral and has no consequential costs, but only a relaxation with the payment of the loan. No matter as a credit – absorbed the fees should be kept in any case at a glance. It should also be ensured that the credit provider is reputable. Part time, it makes sense, individual and individual offers create to let, which ensure that the credit again a little can be cheaper and more attractive.

Stephanie Lehmann

We pride ourselves on our certification and approval as one of the first private DIN certified financial planners in Germany at all.”said Stephanie Lehmann. According to DIN ISO 22222 has been created with the certification of a consumer-side reputable and accepted platform, from which we can signal finally interested parties that they are in the best hands with us. Our customers already know that Yes.” DIN CERTCO certification company of DIN Deutsches Institut fur Normung e.V. enjoy high reputation due to their independence, neutrality, competence and many years of experience in the country and abroad. The DIN CERTCO have the financial planning standards Board (FPSB short, Germany) Germany as a partner chosen for conducting the certification tests by private financial planners to DIN ISO 22222. The members of the Union in the FPSB Germany are certified financial planner.

This designation stood for the highest quality of advice in the German market. The CFP is an international trademark for the elite of the private financial planner, of which there are approximately 105,000 in the 20 leading economies. In Germany, the Federation was currently just over 1,000 members. Ulf Niklas explains: the introduction of the DIN certification time practically coincides with the introduction of MIFID 1 November 2007. “So the market is currently undergoing an extremely strong in favour of consumers. It is important that these positive changes would but also adequately perceived by the customers. Therefore, it is currently very busy. The Nebenberufler, who call themselves financial advisers so far and highly provisioned sell primarily in their own interest under this self-imposed title could, has more future finally no chance.

“Financial advisers and financial planners with the CFP qualification label and DIN certified financial planners ‘ take the new strict rules which are considered according to the EU directive MiFID in Germany as well, therefore welcome exclusion of unqualified advisers.” An exciting topic is in this context also required within the framework of the introduction of MiFID permission for the operation of financial services operations according to 32 KWG. Who do not own permit, must be under a so-called liability umbrella ‘ go on. Stephanie Lehmann explains: for us, this is no alternative – because the company which offers the MiFID, will of course certain expectations on the safe. But not paragraph-specific expectations may be our opinion. Otherwise a part of the upcoming changes in the interests of consumer protection will be wiped out again.” It remains still interesting at the end of the year.

Private Health Insurance

Sickness benefit or the loss of earnings is substantially dependent on the status in private health insurance. In the private health insurance, the calculation of the n works on status. The sickness benefit or the loss of income, is calculated differently for employees than for self-employed persons. Freelancers such as officials, have a special status. For the officials, it is very easy, because the employer pays remuneration unabridged further in case of illness. Only the aid cuts in the hospital by a hospital daily allowance should be considered according to the relevant State aid control by the Federal Government or the States. At the freelancers, the daily allowance can be calculated depending on the product donor on the basis of sales, here you should ask but more accurately, because not every private health insurance covered 100% of the sales.

The calculation of the n is then: sales / 365 days = maximum daily allowance per day. A PKV comparison here the fastest shows the differences. Self-employed with business registration must especially on this aspect of the calculation basis pay attention, because the standard formula for traders is: (profit tax) * 0.75 / 365 = maximum daily allowance per day. If you look out here more, recognizes that only 75% of the net insurable are. This is so dangerous, if no profit has been generated. The consequence for the loss of earnings in the event of sickness is 0,-euro performance.

A business interruption insurance is better than a sick allowance for self-employed persons. The difference is striking, because satellite win here the contribution as a calculation base used. The formula for an interruption: (fixed costs + profit) / 365 days = maximum daily allowance per day. As you can easily see, also an obligation arises when the payout is 0,-euro, also to put the tax not in print. For the employees, the salary is if not agreed separately, for 42 days, which corresponds to 6 weeks, provided by the employer, then the insurance company or the sickness benefit insurance of the car the sickness takes over. The formula for a Private health insurance is as follows: (net + pension package + post for PKV and long-term care insurance) / = 30 days maximum per diem per day. In the statutory health insurance, the statutory health insurance, the loss of earnings is after 6 weeks with 90% of the net or with 70% of the gross, the smaller value of the two is the post of number of, for more than 78 weeks. But be careful! The loss of earnings is based on the valid contribution assessment ceiling. People who earn above the BBG, get in the statutory health insurance is therefore a lower earnings than the actual net earnings. A supplementary insurance is an indispensable addition here. The duration of the sickness by the statutory health insurance or the PKV is not infinite, because final is after 78 weeks in the statutory health insurance, or at the latest after approx. 6 to 12 months for the car or after 2 years with the business interruption insurance. Both systems of insurance (GKV and PKV) aspire to the level, because if a man is his labour force for longer than 6 months loses, the assumption near the disability exists and changes to the service providers.

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