The Patient

However, as for Juliani (1999, P. 324) the system of reference and against-reference total is ignored by the professionals, if not inserting rationally inside of the SUS. the same one also standes out that it is demanded of the basic units the guides of reference for atendimentos of high complexity in the tertiary attention, but does not occur against reference of the internments and basic directed consultations the unit. 3,2 Paper of the Nurse in the one Against high Reference the hospital one of the patient must occur of systematic form, having to be the main nurse the involved one, for being responsible for the evaluation of attendance, orientaes of autocuidado, the treatment and to assure the continuity for whitewashing. (CAMACHO, 2002 P. 230) the nurse in its paper and coordinator has the responsibility to provide the link enters the professionals of the basic and patient attention in hospital high its, aiming at the welfare and the resources necessary to guarantee the security and continuity of the assistance to the patient in its residence. Being necessary that the nurse understands the complexity and importance of the high process of hospital, therefore, to work in team to interdisciplinar in the health it is essential cooperation, ability and commitment. (PEAR TREE, 2007 P. 40) Second study of the attribution of the nurse Hisses (2009, p.12) is to promote the continuity of the assistance of the hospital to the domicile, with an assistance integrated and compromised to the health of the patient, and so that this process is positive it needs integration enters these two levels of attention: hospital attention and attention basic. Pear tree (2007, p.54) also standes out that the ethical responsibility, being of the nurse, implies in the process of education to the patient at the moment to guide interventions that assure the autocuidado one to it, being necessary and carefully to find the moment where they will be ready to accept and to use the orientaes.

The Trouble With The Knee

Eventually it catches almost every case. With increasing age also increases the risk of knee meniscus and the constant pressures of everyday life no longer stand and when the first minor injuries and giving by stabbing pain on loading the necessary attention. First, these diseases by general practitioners and pain killers be brought well under control. Once the complaints, however, threatens to become chronic and a constant load, are usually only orthopedic surgery and ensure that life gets back to familiar tracks and the old performance, at least in some measure returns. Orthopedic surgery and now have a variety of ways, people with meniscus and knee problems to restore to the point that there is almost total freedom from symptoms and all activities can be carried out again, had the disease nearly impossible.

It must be the surgical approach is not always the saving, in many cases, the treating orthopedic physiotherapy cause, unless the patient or the patient has gone good time in the hands of the professional. Then meniscus and knee pain can often be supplied only without a scalpel. But as with most to be treated also applies to the suffering around the knee, who arrives late will be punished by life. Early consulting the doctor provides the long-term suffering for a faster end to a shorter period of convalescence and – for the patient probably should come first – less pain. Especially with the injuries of the knee meniscus and a visit to the orthopedic surgeon should not be put on the back bench.

Public Health Pain

The research shows that the education in Nursing this not preparing its nurses for the handling of pain. that the professionals had had to develop evaluation methods to determine the elements that can justify pain, suffering and the incapacity, to select the impact of pain in the life of the individual. Consideraes final when we speak in pain, we have trend in associating with a psychic and social phenomenon. Perhaps the crucial point to improve the handling of pain for the nurses is stimulating each time more the theoretical and practical knowledge, carrying through of an evaluation unprovided of preconceptions and taboos, developing in the professionals the magnitude of pain, the reorientation the assistencial model in order to promote in this multiprofessional team to the adjusted formation, raising the support of attention to pain. Word-Key: Pain, Fifth Vital Signal, Assistance of Nursing. PAIN The 5th VITAL SIGN, AND COMMITMENT MULTIPROFESSIONAL Abstract: Date American Society of Pain and the American agency of Research and Quality in Public Health discourse pain the fifth vital signal, which must have the same importance of to other vital signals: temperature, beats, breath and arterial pressure you be evaluated in the environment clinical. Physiological These you process when modified they ploughs easy you be identified, to however pain you donate not have being measured, if not through scales. Pain is daily experience in the health institutions, of work.

The health professionals ploughs the first ones you identify pain, through scales will be evaluation the level of patient pain, to however nor few have access you these methods. Pain is present in 75% of the world-wide population (WHO 2007). Biological, psicossociais alterations, ploughs resulted of the daily Courtyard with pain. Modifying the capacity of concentration, the familiar relationship, the sexual activity and appreciation pessimistic and deprived of hope of the life (Marcelo. Rigotti 2005). Objective of this work is you reflect on the potentiality of pain in the process and change in the assistance model, and of inquiry of the multiprofessional team ahead of the monitoring of pain.