The Patient

However, as for Juliani (1999, P. 324) the system of reference and against-reference total is ignored by the professionals, if not inserting rationally inside of the SUS. the same one also standes out that it is demanded of the basic units the guides of reference for atendimentos of high complexity in the tertiary attention, but does not occur against reference of the internments and basic directed consultations the unit. 3,2 Paper of the Nurse in the one Against high Reference the hospital one of the patient must occur of systematic form, having to be the main nurse the involved one, for being responsible for the evaluation of attendance, orientaes of autocuidado, the treatment and to assure the continuity for whitewashing. (CAMACHO, 2002 P. 230) the nurse in its paper and coordinator has the responsibility to provide the link enters the professionals of the basic and patient attention in hospital high its, aiming at the welfare and the resources necessary to guarantee the security and continuity of the assistance to the patient in its residence. Being necessary that the nurse understands the complexity and importance of the high process of hospital, therefore, to work in team to interdisciplinar in the health it is essential cooperation, ability and commitment. (PEAR TREE, 2007 P. 40) Second study of the attribution of the nurse Hisses (2009, p.12) is to promote the continuity of the assistance of the hospital to the domicile, with an assistance integrated and compromised to the health of the patient, and so that this process is positive it needs integration enters these two levels of attention: hospital attention and attention basic. Pear tree (2007, p.54) also standes out that the ethical responsibility, being of the nurse, implies in the process of education to the patient at the moment to guide interventions that assure the autocuidado one to it, being necessary and carefully to find the moment where they will be ready to accept and to use the orientaes.