Corporate New Year as part of teambuilding As noted corporate New Year's Eve? At the entrance to the ballroom, lit by torches, were the guards with halberds. Guests saw a fine song: the girl-harpist fingering a string of ancient tools. Persons who have come – fairies, knights, princesses, ghosts, clowns, monsters – closed masks. And so the fun is in full swing: the hands are woven into the dance, all sweet drink ale and laughing. No, it does not capture the historical blockbuster.
Such an unusual way employees of a foreign company in Moscow celebrated the new year. First – New Year's masquerade ball in the suburban boarding house, giving gifts, speeches midgets and illusionists. Then, a film where everyone could play a major role. And finally – the fireworks In short, corporate meeting of the new year, organized by professionals. Have you decided to celebrate the holidays otherwise? Let us think about how to conduct a corporate celebration, so that positive emotions from him enough for the whole year if there is something beloved by Russian firms meeting the new model year? In most its our company quite unpretentious. Gifts, Santa Claus with a huge red nose, Maiden with parameters 90 * 60 * 90, the Christmas tree, the sea of alcohol, the collective singing of songs, broken crockery, and a headache the next morning. So the ideal new year for most of the Russians. But if each of us to think and think a little pofantaziruet surely come to him for other options.