Healthy Work Environments

A friend of mine complains that the work would be great if only there were other people there! No matter where we work, we will work with others. Often, those relationships are cordial, if not easy, but there may be problems. Bullying does not just happen in schools. More frequent incidents of co-workers bullying others are reported. When colleagues turn unpleasant you can do for an uncomfortable, if not dangerous environment, work, but there are ways to manage the situation so that we are not out of hand.

Set clear boundaries. If not set limits and let the colleague know that their behavior is unacceptable, I can assure you that it will continue. That the offender knows that he will not accept their behavior by saying things like, “It is unacceptable that you speak like this” or “I do not like being treated this way. I will not tolerate.” This allows the attacker knows will not tolerate such behavior. If it continues, tell this person to your supervisor and company security. No fighting. The adage “Fight fire with fire” in this case is dangerous. Often, the aggressor is simply trying to involve you, so if you fight that is going to intensify the situation.

If necessary, remove yourself from the room and avoid contact with the perpetrator as much as possible. Let the bully know you will not play your game often, and they leave you alone. The law requires workplaces to be free of hostility. If you have a problem, don’t just sit and let it go. Make your limits clear, and alert your manager to what is happening. Your manager is responsible for maintaining peace and calm in the office, but he or she can not, if they do not know that there is a problem. You deserve to work in a safe environment.

If you are in anything but be proactive and work on his amendment. If being proactive does not help, start looking for another position within the organization, or work with a different company. Unfortunately, if society tolerates the harassment, there is little chance that you will be able to make significant changes. Whatever you do, keep in mind that you do not have to take it. When it comes to intimidation, not to create a tolerance standard for yourself. C