Venezuelan Providers

The Venezuelan SMEs suffer a great lack of information, knowledge, know-how, education, upgrade, which are needed to know more, learn to be updated on the progress of management science and tools. We also have to take into account that SMEs are important actors in relation to competitiveness in any country in the world, as stated by the Swiss Sthephen Schmidheiny, however, as we mentioned, is much neglected in their operation and this leads to barriers for optimal performance, as we reaffirm: difficulties in accessing bank credit, suppliers, government, technology, resources of all kinds. These needs appear repeatedly in the nine problem areas that truncates the high competitiveness. This reality must be faced by the policy, business owners, to have a management that generate the changes required to ensure they can participate in a competitive and encouraged towards the conquest and retention goals established markets. Areas to be considered are discussed below briefly the main areas that are considered the cause of the incompetence of the majority of Venezuelan industries: Access to credit: the Venezuelan banking offers few alternatives for financing access providers: Providers Venezuelans are scarce and therefore the SMEs are considered insufficient.

Tax Issues: In addition to the absence of fiscal stimulus by the state there is a high tax capacity. Bureaucracy: There is no center to support the SMEs to streamline their paperwork. Utilities: The absence of excellent service and high cost of existing ones. Unfair competition and unlawful customs: Obsolescence of the Customs Act and qualified human resources information and communication access: Universities are not engineers or managers for SMEs. Social burden: The labor costs are huge files. No proprietary technology, developed and competitive. Obsolete technology, non-automated. Given this evidence, we suggest that the SME management also relies on all issues pertaining to total quality, which is a strategy to ensure long-term survival, growth and profitability of an organization to improve its competitiveness by: ensuring ongoing customer satisfaction and the elimination of all types of waste, something that too much emphasis on the specialty program Graduate.

This has already shown the program to through courses, workshops that encourage the active participation of all staff, under new leadership styles, being an effective strategy that properly applied, meets the need to process the products, services, processes, structures and corporate culture to ensure its future. To all this must be taken into account, to be SMEs, our interest, prepared with a global approach, ie to expand into international markets and not only in regional or national markets. It might be good at the local level is not enough, to survive in the competitive world need to be on the world stage. Before this reality, the management must bear in mind also that: 1.-The quality is determined by the client: 2.-It is the customer who rates the quality of the product or service being offered, hence the quality should not be taken absolute or scientific value, but a relative value, depending on the client. It is necessary to accurately identify the changing needs and customer expectations and their degree of satisfaction with products and services company and the competition. Consider, that customer expectations are given in terms of quality of product or service, timely delivery, quality of care, reasonable costs and safety.