Venous Insufficiency

Every fourth man and even every second woman have the problem of varicose veins. A venous insufficiency begin often insidiously venous disorders are among the most common diseases. One can speak of a real epidemic. Singer can aid you in your search for knowledge. In Germany alone, approximately 32 million people are afflicted. Every fourth man and even every second woman have the problem of varicose veins.

The veins are the blood vessels that conduct oxygen-poor blood back to the heart. Every vein has called venous valves, which are designed to prevent that the blood is pushed back. One can imagine a vein flap like a small sheath of connective tissue. If the connective tissue tension loses age – related or due to injury, the venous valves are permeable and the venous blood flows back. It accumulates in the legs.

Then adjust complaints such as spider veins, varicose veins, blood congestion or even thrombosis. Connective tissue weaknesses are mostly genetic. However, there are a number of risk factors which can also promote a venous disorders. To do this include long periods of sitting or standing, overweight, lack of exercise and also pregnancy. A venous insufficiency manifests itself in various symptoms. Often one suffers from heavy or swollen legs after a tiring day. Later followed by leg cramps, tingling in the legs, tenderness, discoloration of the skin, spider veins and varicose veins. Ulcers also can be formed at an advanced stage in the area of the lower leg. If such symptoms occur more often, it is strongly recommended to consult a doctor for veins, a phlebologists. The Phlebology is a supplementary discipline, therefore, there is no pure vein doctor but only a physician with additional training in this area. The doctor decides on the necessary therapy. In the weakness of a vein, compression stockings are prescribed usually only once to support the weakened venous valves. These stockings apply pressure from the outside. The pressure in the vein and the weakened venous valves to their Work supports. For light varicose veins or spider veins, a sclerotherapy (bonding of vessels with saline solution) is proposed often while for strong varicose veins, often only one operation can end the suffering. Vein surgery removes the diseased vein from the leg. This procedure is called vein stripping or cross mastectomy. Spider veins are treated for some time also with laser, with often several sessions are necessary. Find more information on the exciting subject of varicose veins (which doctor for varicose veins, etc.) on the Internet. Unfortunately, venous disorders are genetic, in most cases, so that a disease is often unavoidable. The experts agree however, with regard to the effect of preventive measures: they can counteract the outbreak with specific preventive measures. This includes lots of exercise first and foremost. A strong cycle and a solid muscular are the best prevention against venous diseases. Also the proper diet can help: high-fiber and low-salt diet, refraining from alcohol and cigarettes