Social Assistant

Ahead of these challenges the professional gains one article in the Federal Constitution of 1988? CF/88, approved in 5 of October, bringing a new conception for the Social Assistance, including it in the sphere of the Social security: Art.194. The social security understands an integrated set of action of initiative Being able of them Public and the society, destined to assure the relative rights to the health, the providence and the social assistance. (CONSTITUTION OF the FEDERATIVE REPUBLIC OF BRAZIL, 2003, P. 193.). The Politics of Social Assistance is enrolled in the CF/88 for articles 203 and 204: Art.203 the Social Assistance will be given to who of it to need, independently of contribution to the social security. The Federal Constitution of 1988 represents a landmark in the history of the Social Assistance.

From it the Social Assistance starts to be recognized as Public, inserted Politics in the field of the Social security, through articles 203 and 204, being, later regulated for the Organic Law of the Social Assistance? LOAS (Law n.8.742, of 1993), breaching with the stigma of the assistencialismo and charity, vehemently marked for the action of the Church Catholic. In this process, the Social Assistance starts to be a right of the citizen and a duty of the State, as Politics of not tax-paying Social security, carried through through prompt actions to guarantee the social minimums. Therefore, as Ministry of Public Works and the Economy MDS (1999), has the necessity of implantation of one Politics, the national level, that promotes the implementation of the Social Assistance of homogeneous form. Such Politics appears in 2004 and is regulated by the Only System of Social Assistance? ITS, in 2005, being last a way used for the Social Assistant as actor of promotion it welfare and social protection the aged families, children, adolescents, young, people and to whom of it they need, guaranteeing not assistencialista profile, but of protection of the individual and collective diffuse rights.