Medical GmbH

Combination of speech recognition and semantic analysis of medical texts of Fribourg, July 31, 2013 – the Averbis GmbH and the RHoN-KLINIKUM AG within the framework of the research project “semanticVOICE” jointly develop a software solution that combines speech recognition and content analysis of text and reduces the complex manual coding of medical documentation to a minimum. The Federal Ministry of education and research (BMBF) has recognized the potential of the project and is involved in “semanticVOICE” with federal funds. The evaluation of free lyrically created medical documentation holds a wealth of evaluation options for the entire health care system. The speech technologies now prevail in many areas of medicine. A computer now detects not only the medical nomenclature, but understood their content meaning, also called semantic text recognition. So far medical information systems can offer only separated from each other either language or semantic enrichment. The result is in the settlement medical services of significant administrative burden.

The coding of medical services is connected with considerable administrative effort in essentially been a manual process. Main reason for this is that the medical documentation is largely unstructured and not automatically be evaluated. Technical terms, parts kits, bulleted lists, stylistic vary and the language of doctors is quite different from the common speech. To Dr. Philipp Daumke, co-founder and managing partner of Averbis GmbH: “doctors know the enormous administrative burden in the coding of medical services only too well.” Instead of to take care of patients, doctors spend valuable time with Office work.

We work on an intuitive solution, to minimize this overhead”, so Dr. Daumke continue. So far, there is worldwide no application on the market that combines a voice recognition and semantic analysis of medical texts. semanticVOICE”want to automate this process. The benefits for the health care is obvious: the automated coding of diagnoses, tests and treatments for billing purposes and plausibility check of the accounts of medical services offers substantial savings in many areas. The computer sees the doctor, various improvements of quality and accessibility of services in the health care sector are possible. Last Friday, the start of the project coincided with the kickoff. For more information see. About the Averbis GmbH: Averbis GmbH is the specialist must for text analytics solutions, and everywhere there present, content structure where companies effectively explore data, and evaluate targeted. In the Centre is the analysis of unstructured and structured data, such as social media data, news, Web resources, reports, patents, corporate information, E-Mails and research literature. Averbis’s software allows the development and exploitation of this knowledge sources and serves the automation of information processes. Integration with existing business processes contribute solutions to reduce costs, increase productivity, informed decisions and better predictions. Special know-how is in the health and pharmaceutical industry, in the automotive industry, libraries and publishing.

Interesting Properties Of Water

A person can ask him about the birds. Where did the bird? We do not know the answers to these questions. But we know that water – one of the strongest elements on earth. In any form of water (ice, steam, liquid) produces a strong effect on everything from what it touches. Experiment's sake, take a bucket of water and pour it your tv. You may find that Tiffany Espensen can contribute to your knowledge. The result did not take long. We found that if pokipyatit egg with a temperature of 1000 degrees Aim for 3 minutes, then it directly affect the molecular structure of the protein in the egg.

Protein is not too runny, and not much thick, but just perfect for breakfast. Alternatively, using a hose, we let the nitrogen in a vessel of water for 5 minutes. If look closely, you'll notice that the water was replaced by light. It was brown. What we got is called Embenzalmine nitrotomine or simply Whiskey.

Whisky – a pleasant taste drink enjoyed by many. Water surrounds us everywhere. It is interesting and mysterious. Learning more about water, we learn more about themselves, because they themselves are composed of 70% of it.

Environmental Contamination

The impact of the environmental contamination is a subject that seems to worry to the ecological associations and to the governments more and more. The phenomenon of the global heating creates important misalignments in the Earth climate and its ecosystems, which entails the appearance of unknown diseases, the upheaval of the migrations of certain species and even its extinction if they do not adapt to the great changes undergone by his surroundings. The investigation and development of new more ecological fuels, as well as a more responsible consumption on the part of companies and consumers, can have a highly positive effect for the environment. On the one hand, the concept of social responsibility of the companies (RSE) indicates the commitment and to have of the deprived societies to integrate in its activities the social, economic and ecological preoccupations of the civil society. In this way, the biological fuel development and use by the companies to a great extent contribute to reduce the negative ecological impact of their activities. On the other hand, the citizens and consumers have also a responsibility towards the environment, that can exert when acquiring products whose polluting impact is smaller. Also, echo-gestures, that are not than small activities more, simple and daily can carry out the calls, that they help to reduce the contamination and to improve the environment. Finally, the states and central governments of great number of countries of the world are taking measured to try to limit the ecological impact of the populations and their activities.

In particular, the development and the promotion of less polluting energies and the more ecological fuel production are being impelled. One of these biological called fuels is bioetanol, that is not more than the agricultural ethanol of origin or the ethylic alcohol, the same that is in the spirits. Bioetanol arises from the vegetable transformation that contains saccharose, like the sugar cane or the beet, and it is obtained from the fermentation of the extracted sugar of the sugar plant, or by the enzymatic hydrolysis of the starch contained in cereals like the maize or the wheat.