Protecting Wi-Fi Network

Quite often we hear common story about how someone – that connects to an open access point via Wi-Fi and download gigabytes of free traffic. In this case, the owner of such a point could not understand, and either forced pay the 'left' traffic, or put up with more bandwidth utilization. All of this is due to neglect of the protection of wireless networks. The problem of unauthorized access to your wireless network relate to both business and home users. In the first case, intended for employees of the firm, but never unprotected Wi-Fi can cause unauthorized access to the service online, identity theft, failures in the system as a whole. Not less likely, and home users, because getting into a home network through an unprotected access point or wireless router, an attacker can not only free use your Internet connection. Having access to such networks can be copied to modify or even completely remove the files, directories, etc..

Also, your computer may be running interceptors keystrokes, viruses – 'Trojan horses' or other malicious software that will run on unknown hosts. All network traffic can be tapped for further research. Themselves with a need tools that can be a real-time browse visit your web-pages, web addresses, as well as to intercept your passwords for future use, for commercial purposes. In addition, your Internet channel can be used for illegal activities. If open wireless network will be used for illegal distribution of films or music, in many countries for it can pay a claim from law enforcement agencies.

Environmental Contamination

The impact of the environmental contamination is a subject that seems to worry to the ecological associations and to the governments more and more. The phenomenon of the global heating creates important misalignments in the Earth climate and its ecosystems, which entails the appearance of unknown diseases, the upheaval of the migrations of certain species and even its extinction if they do not adapt to the great changes undergone by his surroundings. The investigation and development of new more ecological fuels, as well as a more responsible consumption on the part of companies and consumers, can have a highly positive effect for the environment. On the one hand, the concept of social responsibility of the companies (RSE) indicates the commitment and to have of the deprived societies to integrate in its activities the social, economic and ecological preoccupations of the civil society. In this way, the biological fuel development and use by the companies to a great extent contribute to reduce the negative ecological impact of their activities. On the other hand, the citizens and consumers have also a responsibility towards the environment, that can exert when acquiring products whose polluting impact is smaller. Also, echo-gestures, that are not than small activities more, simple and daily can carry out the calls, that they help to reduce the contamination and to improve the environment. Finally, the states and central governments of great number of countries of the world are taking measured to try to limit the ecological impact of the populations and their activities.

In particular, the development and the promotion of less polluting energies and the more ecological fuel production are being impelled. One of these biological called fuels is bioetanol, that is not more than the agricultural ethanol of origin or the ethylic alcohol, the same that is in the spirits. Bioetanol arises from the vegetable transformation that contains saccharose, like the sugar cane or the beet, and it is obtained from the fermentation of the extracted sugar of the sugar plant, or by the enzymatic hydrolysis of the starch contained in cereals like the maize or the wheat.