Cerebral form of atherosclerosis and hypertension, are the most frequent causes of disorders of cerebral circulation in adults, very rarely seen in children include disease causing violations cerebral blood flow in childhood, in the first place are diseases of the blood of intra-and post-natal cranio-cerebral trauma, an infectious-allergic vasculitis, congenital anomalies of cerebral vessels. Violations circulation caused by occlusion of the lumen of the vessel due to thrombosis or embolism, decreased blood flow due to narrowing the inflection, constriction or spasm of the vessel, rupture of the vascular wall, increasing its pronitsaemosti. lumen can occur acutely, such as embolism, or develop gradually, passing through stages of increasing narrowing of the lumen (blood clot formation, compression of the tumor proliferative inflammation in the vascular wall, etc.). Rupture the vessel wall observed in cases of cranial trauma, hemorrhagic diathesis, aneurysms, vascular tumors. Increased permeability of the vascular wall in the main caused by inflammatory or trophic changes in blood vessels, certain blood diseases. In clinical practice, these forms of cerebral vascular lesions are rarely act in isolation.
For example, the restriction lumen accompanied by an increased permeability of its walls. Cerebral circulatory disorders developed acute apoplektiformno, accompanied by a profound disturbance of consciousness. Focal cerebral symptoms in coma may be significantly efface. In connection with this examination of the patient and diagnosis of disease in a comatose state have specific features. Much attention should be paid to the differential diagnosis of cerebral coma and ekstratserebralnoy.Termin “coma” (“ball” in Greek means a deep sleep) in the modern sense means a state characterized by lack or loss of consciousness and sensitivity of the sharp decrease or complete absence of patient responses to external stimuli. The unconscious patient’s condition requires a doctor for urgent action.