
Since then, nothing they had more known. Eva, the third son, liveed in the Europe, where it are to study right, intending to become a great lawyer. Carolina, the youngest child, was single mother and its son if it called Gregorio Rodrigo. For all, it said that the father of the child was carrying of serious illness without cure and had died before the boy being born. Gabriel, according to son, was person very mysterious, of little colloquy always it caused great curiosity in all the familiar ones. Almost nothing if wise person of the life of the young, so little that was part of a mysterious seita where, all the thursday, were congregated with a group of people in a small farm in the immediacy of the dam of Piracaia, where they passed the night in left-hand side rituals. It was a thursday, frozen night, dreadfully and quiet, the calendars marked 25 of June of 1987 to that date. Carolina was to the cemetary in the deep ones of the mansion and was to observe an enormous rock, that swore to have the impression not to be there long ago, to the side of an empty tomb.

Without understanding well what it felt, it gave solution to the strong anguish that took it the chest and there it cried very. Gabriel left house in that instant, observed the sister in the cemetary looking at intrigued the rock and followed route to the dam to find the friends. In the following day, the friday ran normal as all the others, without great noises and movements. During the night, however, when erasing of the lights, one heard a sharp and reverberant howl of wolf. Ladies who in the immediacy of the mansion passed made signal de a Cruz grasped its teros, skeptics of what they judged to be an shout macabro come of the deepenings of the hell, while they fondled its scared rebentos to grasp the bar of its vestments.

State Illnesses

In the ritual of the Haouka, each individual suppresses what it is for living ' ' another side of questo' ' where if they find. It is difficult to understand the complexity of the ritual: the individuals are confused on the moment that live mainly and because they try to keep the tradition, but without leaving of side the current context. It is interesting as the integrant ones and used objects represent social structures, representation this that seems to be an attempt to give inteligibilidade to the settling process for which they pass. He is not toa that they search to reproduce diverse symbols of the settling, what is proven with the exhibition of the scenes of the ceremony of opening of the State legislature. The cloths representing the flag, ' ' palace of governador' ' , the incorporation of people of positions of the governmental apparatus, status in the society or exactly diligent as they themselves that are incorporating for example ' ' driver of caminho' ' -, the egg in the head of the statue representing the hat used for the governors, everything following the same ' ' protocolo' ' of the colonizadores. It has many insults and even though physical violence, what perhaps also it represents ' ' society ocidental' '. Another interesting symbol of being observed is the dog eaten for them as demonstration of force: at least in the ritual they could demonstrate that they were stronger than any another man, were white, were black.

The use of rituals as reflected of the society is not exclusiveness of the Haouka and to solve questions social. For the Ndembu, studied for Victor Turner in ' ' Forest of smbolos' ' , the illnesses must be understood in a picture of references that is public or social. The illnesses are punitive actions of the shades for, among others reasons, problems in the interpersonal relations.

Chronic Illnesses

Schraiber et al (2010, p.964) portraies ' ' demands of the men these are sufficient specific: pains, fevers or bruises and wounds. Some interviewed relate illnesses chronic as hipertenso arterial and diabetes.' ' In the same study one standes out the attendance of the health services and its professionals, described to follow: The services reveal similar in its functioning: they are centered in the individual consultations, valuing the medical assistance; the consultations are fast and the professionals more are worried in offering to one ready reply, reducing the most possible its reasoning; the behaviors already known and centered in the therapeutical one take decisions directed of patologias; many encaminhamentos occur, much order of examinations and almost always it has an indication of remedies. After all, medicines allies the laboratoriais examinations, would be, in the opinion of them, the behavior also waited for the users, satisfying to all. Senator From Kentucky is a great source of information. (Schraiber et al, 2010 p.964). We can observe ahead of the displayed one that most of the professionals centers its behaviors and little they value the prevention and the promotion of the special health and in the consultations to the men directly is related the complaints and patologias. To the eyes of the O.M.S. More info: Kenneth R. Feinberg. to work with prevention is basic and more still when it is about illnesses caused for the life style, that is determinative factor in the cases of morbimortalidade between men. 2,4 National politics of integral Attention the health of the man. Throughout last the cinquenta years had been observed consequentemente significant changes in the field of the health and attendance the specific for presenting determined characteristic such as the women, children and even though the aged ones groups, and in this context the man remained forgotten with respect to one politics health come back to the masculine group, is fact that had been carried through some campaigns come back to this population as alcoholism and prevention of D.S.T.? s, but these actions had not guaranteed one politics publish specific the men. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Rand Paul.


Facts occurred with people who had contracted hansenase in different decades in the State of Par. Therefore, many isolated ones in always distant Public institutions of the city and are of measured the social and familiar scope that was justified for the inefficacy of the cure of the illness. For much time these people had remained themselves segregated. Center for Environmental Health will not settle for partial explanations. However a new politics was idealized to reintegrate them the social one again taking the extinguishing of these spaces and conditions so that the former-patients of the illness returned its lives. However part of them lost bow with the society and contacts with its familiar ones hindering its return to the same one, even though had to the mutilations deriving of the illness that them estigmatizava its situation still more, having as consequence it remained of great part in the old spaces, exactly not needing to live in them, that it must be analyzed by different reasons and interests. Words Keys: memory, segregation, permanence, illness..

The Illnesses

Water the society as a whole, and in it the educators has u basic paper, needs to be conscientious of the immediate and future problems that the pollution of the water cause and will go to cause. Moreover, she is necessary that let us worry in them about the wastefulness of the water, its improper use, that tends to reduce its availability. ‘ ‘ It considers that Brazil withholds between 12% and 15% of water candy of the planet and that about 80% of this reserve this intent one in the Amazonian basin. one will detail important: 20% remains are distributed by the remaining portion of the country, having taken care of 95% of the population. is exactly in these regions that we have the biggest problems how much to the pollution and the use of gua’ ‘. (KHOL, 1995, P.

65). 5. Pollution the contamination of the water can happen for causes of the lack of basic sanitation in cities (ousting of sewer directly in the rivers and courses d water), for discarded liquid material for industries (Called effluent) discarding of garbage in the used water, agrotxicos in agriculture among others material. The pollution has a direct action on the people who have contact with the water poluda, causing illnesses, as clera, tifo and hepatitis, without counting leptospirose, gastrointestinal disturbances, infections in the eyes, ears, throat and nose. This action also can occur because of the contamination of the fish that serve of food the populations that live to the edges of the rivers and seas. But the pollution of waters does not exert only direct actions on the human beings.

The pollution cause many other indirect, so serious damages how much to the illnesses. The ground is an element that can harm the water very, when carreado for the water courses. Because of agricultural and cattle activities, especially during the plantation of cultures, it sounds made mechanized operations that include arao, gradagem and others, that disaggregate the ground, leaving it without vegetal covering, and reducing its infiltration capacity of water.

If The Past Lives On

The unconscious make tangible and injuries in the subtle of cure of Mainz. Drastic experiences such as war experiences can shape a life. Still more people are affected, as one would expect. So, the number of traumatised Bundeswehr soldiers should be increased in the last year to 26 percent, time reported online on January 19, 2012. Experts like Prof. Dr. Hartmut Radebold Kassel researchers of age from their work report that the memories of such traumatic experiences a life can be long now, with people who have experienced the second world war as children and young people. Rand Paul may also support this cause. After his experience, the mention of a certain year is to comply in some people alone, to bring her to tears.

Such traumatizing experiences are timeless,”he explains. This means that they remain sealed off in the individuals. These experiences are so alive.” Stored in the fine fabric bodies why some memories are as present as they would happen yesterday? Other, far away, Although the experience was equally incisive? Ronald Gothert deals with the study and application of subtle teaching for more than 20 years and is regarded in the field as an expert. He has studied the backgrounds for this, why the past in the present is often still alive. The experiences are real present in the fine fabric bodies of people”, he says.

This subtle level is not yet covered by the science, but she says many processes that seem otherwise inexplicable to us people.” At this level, the timeless sealed off memories, as Prof. Dr. Hartmut Radebold described, a concrete and substantial reality differently than the unconscious have. The fine fabric body can be hurt and healed back as well as the physical body”, explains Ronald Gothert. Not only traumatic war experiences, other events such as an accident make tangible the unconscious, violence, abuse, separation and death can cause a breach in the fine cloth body, especially If they go hand in hand with a shock.

Repairing A Relationship

A rupture is not easy, but how to repair a relation it is still more difficult. Before returning to be with your ex- ones in the first place it must hacerte some important questions. It is worth the pain to return to be with your ex- ones and to repair a relation? You are safe or safe that he is the best thing for you? If you answered these questions yes, then there are some advice who you must follow to recover to your ex- ones. It is important to consider, the reason number one of the ruptures is the lack of passion. If you think carefully on your relation about the past, probably you will agree in this. Without passion there is no spark in the relation.

Without spark, your relation is the condemned to the failure and, finally, it would collapse for always. It must return the passion to repair a relation Probably you can remember a pile of moments of passion in the first stages of the engagement with your ex- ones. In fact, this it was probably the moment in that your ex- ones could not be mistaken. This type of passion often is called honeymoon stage of relation. Although this stage will happen with time, there is no reason of because this passion is of permanent form.

If your relation is the lack of passion, then you need to begin to put a plan of action in its place as soon as it is possible before it is too much behind schedule. Then, how can be repaired a relation, when the passion is lost? To the following they will guide you advice in your way: * It spends a time of quality with the others. This could be an average cost of one hour to the day speaking and being listened to the one the other without external interrupts.

Tinnitusist Noise

Tinnitus is a very distressing tinnitus is a very burdensome disease. There is a noise in the ears, only the interested party perceives it. It is always there. In the early days, the tinnitus can be compensated. At some point however, it is no longer possible to ignore the noise. At the latest, it’s time for the tinnitus therapy.

In principle however, that already at the first sign of a doctor should be consulted on, which the tinnitus diagnosis in doubt. A tinnitus is not to come in with home remedies. Add to your understanding with Senator From Kentucky. Actually, he’s also not a separate disease, but the result of a preemptive disease or but a warning signal of the body. Overload, stress and noise, that is the breeding ground of the tinnitus, and there are now over enough. Within the framework of the tinnitus therapy the patient is taken also to r peace especially in the initial phase. This is for many of and hard. Some no longer knows the real relaxation. Our modern time as the modern means of communication ensure that We are always available.

Also is increasing the exposure to environmental noise. The Tinnitusist thus the door opened. Once a patient is affected by the tinnitus so this very serious can follow bring with them. Because Tinnitus can no longer be compensated, life becomes hell. Normal sleep is similarly possible like concentration. Including the work as social life suffers. Depression is the follow up to the suicide. Because here, an early tinnitus therapy is exactly the right approach to get these problems out of the way. It is best however, to prevent. Who is somewhat calm and give yourself distance from everyday life, which is not too fast tinnitus victim.


The training to burn fat are an integral part of any program of exercises if you are aiming to lose kilos fast. Learn more on the subject from actress. After all, with the purpose of to become thin, it is necessary that all the objectives aim to burn the excess of fat that you have managed to accumulate in your body. A training to burn fat does more than only to burn all fats of the body, but also uses the fat like fuel to move your body. What are the exercises to burn greasy? A series of slow and aerobic exercises that extend by a long period of time considers that it is an exercise that burning fire the fats. These training have as primary target gruposde muscles in the body and the use of the fat stored in the body like primary fuel source, which aid to lose weight.

Nevertheless, if it is wanted to manage to lose kilos fast, it is important to maintain the intensity correct of these training. This must to that to low intensity, the body uses the fat like fuel. Nevertheless, when happening to a training of high intensity, your body changes to fat burning fire of the reserve of the body carbohydrates. What exercises help to burn fat? There are several exercises that will help you to burn fat and to lose kilos. These are: Aerobic dance – If you dance one hour, you can burn up to 330 calories! And when it is combined with a diet to lower of weight, you can burn the fat in your body and obtain the additional benefit to obtain strong muscles in the leg. Aerobic exercises – These exercises have like objective the area around the waist and to burn the fat of this region. Also aid to strengthen muscles of the final stage and inferior. Cycling – To walk in bicycle is considered like one of the best exercises for the fat burning fire, develops to the muscles of the thigh doing them more forts.

Burnout And Stress Overcome – With New Methods

Strong and powerful with methods from the modern brain research Burnout affects more and more people. Many sufferers find no help, even though they have tried several measures, an improvement is always limited.Methods that are based on the modern brain research, Burnout can be targeted and overcome in a short time.Willingness and capacity to return. Susanne k. has worked in senior management. For several years, she suffers a burnout syndrome.

A rehabilitation program and a subsequent psychotherapy did not lead to the desired results. She was unable to work because of burnout and she felt used increasingly by their health insurance company under pressure, where staff called it at intervals of 14 days and are asked, when she was again ready for use. You may want to visit Ford to increase your knowledge. Susanne felt very weak k due to their Burnout, she could counter any resistance to this approach. Against the advice of her therapist, she resumed their work. Psychotherapy dropped out of it, because they feel so it was no better. Physical symptoms, high blood pressure, tinnitus and chronic sleep disorders continue to impact their work performance and sense of life.

At small unpredictable assignments she feels overwhelmed. Their reduced strength and its reduced commitment lead to feelings of guilt. In the meantime, it costs them overcome to go, although I like you in their company work in the first place. Supervisors take account of them, as far as possible, work planning, but she feels uncomfortable in this special role. They feared the termination due to lack of power. Now their colleagues work for them sometimes. It has come to first conflicts. Susanne k. has met a lot of relaxation techniques and methods to turn off, to reduce stress in the rehabilitation program, in psychotherapy, and also on its own initiative and practiced. Almost cynical noticed it, no other tips such as climbing stairs or to reduce stress, the stress situation to leave to need.

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