Chicken Consumption

Alavancado for this growth, the per capita consumption of chicken meat was of 44 kilos in the last year. Passing these statisticians for the paper, the exchange prescription got a 17% increment, totalizing US$ 6,808 million. The average price of the Brazilian sales was of 1,782 US$ the ton, with a 11,4% increase. Inside of the gamma of products, the exportations of cuts had added embarkments 1,972 million of tons (+5.7%) and exchange prescription of US$ 3,534 billion (+22.3%). The sales of entire chicken had totalized 1,488 million of tons (+6.4%), with US$ prescription 2,254 billion (+17%). The exportations of industrialized chicken, of 168,8 a thousand tons (- 1.9%), had represented US$ prescription 465.1 million (- 5%). In the other segments the embarkments had been of 190,1 a thousand tons, with a US$ prescription 553,4 million (UBABEF, 2010). Beyond the meat the poultry keeping offers a product of excellent quality as the egg, where it possesss nutrients necessary to form a complete animal and to contribute the nutrition as one protein of high quality, 13 vitamins and minerals, possessing a small calrica percentage.

These products for having a considerably low price are the times the only protein source of animal origin for families of low purchasing power. In the egg production Brazil if finds between the 10 world-wide producing greaters. Brazil occupies 7 world-wide place in amount of production and the sector is responsible for putting into motion in country US$ 2 billion with approximately 16,4 billion eggs per year, being that the 2005 production was of 18 billion units. The production not yet exceeded this value due to the concept missed regarding the egg, for having cholesterol. This made with that the consumption in Brazil got one gueda significant, with a consumption of 123 eggs per year. Already in the developed countries as Japan and U.S.A. it arrives to be consumed per capita annual of 258 the 373 eggs.