
But, these emotional questions are not only restricted to the scope of the construction of its identity, therefore it has some aspects that permeiam the emotional experiences of these adolescents and that they will have to be considered. Being the emotions the forces that motivate the behavior all, no aspect of the development of the adolescent is of bigger importance of what its life emotional. Practically all its difficulties involve, obviously, emotions. If an adolescent cannot understand, unless its ways are understood to feel parallel what it thinks and it makes. In the reality, he must yourself be looked for to not only understand the emotions that express, but to be alert for the emotions that try to hide. The feelings regarding itself exactly and of the others, as well as the judgment that its to see the others makes of it, dominate all the life of the adolescent (FIELDS, 2001, P. 51-52). To consider the human being in all its fullness, not if it only can restringiz it to its biological and emotional aspects.

It must be gone beyond, considering, also its social aspect. To redefine the adolescence becomes necessary, therefore thus if it will only be able to understand it as a social construction. Before the displayed one, Gonalves (2001) and Bock (2001) they call the attention for the necessity if rethink the naturalizante conception of adolescence and adolescent, where all the characteristics registered in this period they have been conceived as inevitable and inherent, thus contributing, to characterize the adolescence as a phase repleta of problems. This vision will go to reflect in the form as the adolescents are seen by its groups, familiar, pairs, etc. 2 PREGNANCY IN the ADOLESCENCE: STATISTICAL HISTORICIDADE, DATA AND FACTORS OF 2,1 RISK HISTORICAL BRIEFING OF the PREGNANCY IN the ADOLESCENCE the pregnancy in the first years of reproductive life is not recent phenomenon in the history of the humanity.