Its initiatives, according to Vaz (1995), search to improve aqualidade of life of the population, as well as attenuating or eliminating sociaisrelacionados problems, mainly, with questions of hygiene and public health, work, education, transport and nutrition. Many of the social problems have mannering origin, comoo cigarette consumption, the accidents in the transit, the growth of the AIDS, entreoutros. The social marketing offers a mechanism to face these problems, being stimulated the people to adopt healthful styles of life. Influenciarno only can the individuals, but also the organizations, the politicians and gruposde interest. (DAYS, 2007, P. 55) the use of the strategies of socialcorporativo marketing, according to Days (2007), happens in the modification of the image of the company, in long stated period, in way that the searched social value becomes into atributospara the mark. For Axe Son (2006), the rational implementation destasestratgias opens chance so that the companies can revert imagensnegativas already established, as well as minimizing the risks of the loss of reputation, exploring aosconcorrentes chances of differentiation front. New terms, as social, ticaempresarial responsibility, private social investment, social, sustentabilidadesocial, filantropia rocking corporative, voluntariado, among others, see sendoassociados to the social marketing, according to Sources (2008), in an attempt instituiesexplicarem of and justifying them its social investments, ahead of mudanasque see occurring in the market.
This association is possible, according to Zenone (2006), for the fact of these terms to be in the same semantic field. In the corporative scope, the performance socially responsveladotada by the majority of the great companies happens, according to Acar et al (2006), nabusca for solutions for the social problems that the alone government not to conseguesolucionar. This philosophy, directed toward the practical one of actions that take asempresas if to compromise to the community where is inserted, comes sendoincluda in strategical planning of some companies whom, according to etal Mello (2008), they search to develop a more sustainable productive system, without, however, to leave to get profits.