River Acre

Beyond of that they present other DST? s, changeable numbers of sexual partners and the use of 15 condom CONCLUSION the finding most significant of the studies was not that the gonorria is an illness that still incidence in women presents low in if comparing with other DST as clamdia6, sfilis and HIV, however the gonorria is a still very preoccupying illness in Brazil, I number since it of women that they not yet declare to make the use of condoms in its sexual relations is sufficiently high, being determinative factor to contract the illness. The biggest prevalences of the gonorreia still meet in the women of 20 – 30 years of age, very significant data, since the young is more propitious practises it sexual and dissemination of the gonorria. The indices had shown the low socioeconmico level, the escolaridade tie 1 degree, as bigger prevalence, being able to be associated the imperfection of the health publishes the devoid places. The high tax of the use of preservative does not show the necessity of educational campaigns on sexual behavior and use of the condom, directed the women with steady partners. However still a lack of tracking of these carrying women of the gonorria exists, who need a fixed accompaniment so that the treatment really has success and effectiveness, so that it has an increase in the control of these DST in the prevention of its dissemination in the society. It enters the possible limitations of this study, can be pontuar the available lack of material and resources, as point negative for the course of the research, harming the demonstrated results, thus being able to present, an exaggeration how much to the presented indices. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES 1-SILVA. the R.; LOPES, C.M.; MUNIZ, P.T.; Inquiry of the Condom in Messengers of the River Acre: transport, preservation, use and risk of infection for the DSTs.