Smokers’ Struggles

In throwing smoke a big problem may be internal debate with himself. Read more here: Rand Paul. For example, a person has decided to quit, quit, and on the second day of abstinence in his head climbed into a variety of "arguments" in favor of smoking. There is a danger that people can not find the arguments in favor of not smoking and lit it. But it is important to understand that if a man accustomed to such intellectual battles, you can always find a solid argument for not smoking. Just it may take a lot of time and inner work.

Let's try to analyze everything is in order. The most common is perebiranie what some examples of life, when someone of your friends smoked and drank, but lived a long and happy life. and then in the head creeps seditious thought that doctors are deceiving all that smoke, actually, not so bad as trying to present it by doctors. A striking example of a long life smoker is always impressive, because a smoker looking for such examples of this and wants. It works by filtering of thinking, when a person unconsciously ignores consciousness just something that protects his beliefs. In this case, the smoker loses sight of the many examples disease and short life of heavy smokers. To keep objectivity, it is important to take into account the trends, not individual instances of falling trends. We often hear ironic that in life everything is bad, even live harmful. Therefore, speaking this think they can afford to smoke.