
For citizen 3: It occurs nervousness, anxiety, muscular tension, chronic headache, badly to be, agitation, lack of concentration, emotional disequilibrium that finishes causing misunderstanding between the colleagues. It complements citizen 5 affirming that: Physical manifestations: chronic headache, pains to articulate, abdominal pain, gastrite and the psychic ones: esquecimento and nervousness. Already citizen 2 says that: Physical and mental fatigue, miaugias, patologias, sleeplessness or sleepiness, increase and reduction of the corporal weight, mental and imunolgica depression. It collaborates citizen 4 saying that: Physical fatigue, irritability, emotional disequilibrium, depression, riots of sleep and to feed, loss or profit of corporal mass, TOC, difficulty to adapt itself in work teams. Consideraes Ends During the accomplishment of the project appeared following the problematic one to identify the incidence of estresse in nurses in the unit of emergency. We raise the hypothesis that the professionals of Nursing of the city of Are Desidrio ahead estresse of it, could be citizens not to carry through the cares of nursing adequately given its patients. However the same one was affirmed during the attainment of the results of the research, therefore they had been cited by the Academic professionals of the course of nursing, 3 Semester, FASB 2009.

that it has an extreme demand of patients, high horrias loads to be fulfilled, and mainly much physical and mental fatigue. To carry through this research was much beneficial one. Therefore beyond knowing the hospital, we had contacts with the professionals and we exactly perceive that with all the difficulties found in the emergency, the same ones if strengthen to carry through of correct form its work, and to offer to the patient the best qualities of attendance. We recommend to the professionals that they continue with its good practical of work and attendance, therefore these only bring benefits in such a way for the professional how much for the patient.