A Balanced Diet

Wrinkles are formed by the action of the muscles of gestures or the law of gravity when acting on a more or less loose skin. The form wrinkles on the forehead and eyebrows, on the nose, sides of eyes, upper lip … and are due to the effect of muscle contraction under a skin that has lost its elasticity or ability to regain its smooth shape. Wrinkles under the eyes located on the sides of the chin or neck are due to sagging of the tissues plus the action of gravity. When tissues become flaccid, smooth but not kept falling pliegues.Las wrinkles forming nasogenian are formed by the joint action of gesture and of gravity. How much skin is looser, longer line is that it can even reach his chin.

Therefore, the wrinkles will be marked more or less, depending on the state of the muscle and skin quality. SolucionesHasta far the most effective treatment for wrinkles is surgery aesthetics, although many people gave up for the inconvenience it involved any intervention. Currently, the implementation of the / botox in the muscles, get an effect similar to surgery, but is much less traumatic. A much less invasive option is to use a good cream or serum according to skin type (with what we care the quality of the skin) in combination with anti-wrinkle patches (acting on the muscle), which applied regularly, get surprising results in a completely natural and much cheaper. Tips A beautiful skin is achieved using a set of factors: Drink at least 2 liters of water daily to detoxify and maintain an adequate level of moisture in the body.

Follow a balanced diet. Do not smoke because it accelerates the aging process of the skin. Moderation with alcohol. Wash the face with a neutral pH cleaning solution. Moisturize the skin in the morning and before bed. Sun protection. Avoid stress: try to take a few minutes a day for volunteer to do something you relaxed and well-being. Isabel Paradeda.