
I love themselves and, therefore, take care of your body. I fed him healthy food. I lovingly take care of him and dressed him, and my body pays me for the care excellent health and vigor. I love myself, so I create a house in which to live comfortably, the house that meets my needs, which remain a pleasure. The whole atmosphere in the house permeated with love.

Everyone who comes to me, feels it and feeds it. I love myself, and as a consequence, I do a job that brings me real joy. I fully spread on the job, working with and for people using all their creative potential, and the surrounding meet my love. I earn well. I love myself and therefore I think and treat all people with love, as I know: all that I give will come back to me a hundredfold. I admit in my world just loving people, because I know that they are like two peas in a pod like me.

I love myself and as a consequence, say goodbye to your past and get rid of him. I'm free. I love myself and as a consequence, I live only the present, taking each moment as a blessing. I know that ahead of me waiting for a bright and happy future, it will not let me, because I – particle of the universe, which is lovingly cared for me today and will take care of tomorrow. And it's true. I trust the flow of life evolving in accordance with the divine order.