Stima Profecia

Jimmy Szaragosa (John Taylor) rejects the idea and follows oseu calvrio conscientious, until being died involuntarily for the Lucci priest (naverdade it was Cartfilos, the Roman soldier who esbofeteou Christ, and to queriamatar Abby, that tried to hinder the death it boy and to stop the sequence of selosapocalpticos). For Lucci, that would only die if the signals were true, it mattered to keep all the sequence of stamps, for after all seeing free damaldio not to die, in vigor since the time of Jesus (Mc 9:1). When seeing ogaroto died by the shots gone off in its now also mortalmenteferida direction and, Abby gives up living and passes its vital energy for its nonascido son, changing finally the sequence of stamps and giving to new hope aomundo. Last cena> and ‘ ‘ ministro’ ‘ simply to laugh and says, compr-concept: ‘ ‘ Hare-Khrishna? ‘ ‘. The Seventh Sign is one of those filmesextraordinrios that the industry of the cinema goes to take much time to make umoutro that if it equalizes. not without reason, it loads some mistriosinquietantes as it never had in the history of the Seventh Art, and the deixarfcil posterity to never decipher it.

The first mystery is such ‘ ‘ GUF’ ‘ , or Hall of the Souls, that indicates the end dagerao of souls in the Sky and therefore the end of the life human being in the Land. It was a lindahistria counted for Bannen and proven by Abby in the reading of a book old demitos. But ‘ has others as many propositais mysteries; ‘ of enredo’ ‘ , comoquando if it tries to answer to the following questions: 1) Why the sparrow died so fast (to the foot of the stairs)? 2) As the Priest Lucci and Abby (it also was presentena scene of the tortures the Jesus) they had survived as much time without dying? How Abbyapareceu without a childbirth and a current birth certificate? 3) What it was the white spot sweeping the red Moon? 4) Why the Christ-Bannen needed a radio of ondascurtas? 5) What it was the full bag of ‘ ‘ eggs cozidos’ ‘ dependuradosobre a water pan fervente in the hour of the execution of Jimmy? At last, ‘ ‘ AStima Profecia’ ‘ it is much more of what one has filmed. It is a new reading of the Apocalypse, worthy of an official register in theological doctrine. Of the one another one interpretao Parusia and express an idea without fear of religious inquisitions, namely: anoo of that the Bible of the edge if to think about Christ-Witness, caminhandonos last days of the terrestrial chaos and trying to see if finds something that seaproveite of love to the next one, faith eesperana. If to find If It to find, the world will have one segundachance. If he was God, I also I would come thus, before the end, as Lion-spy. Brave Prof.